What is the best SS Amp and Pre given the trends?

I currently have an active Linn system (Klouts, Kairn, Kabers) and want to upgrade. I originally chose Linn because of it being more musical verses sterile sounding and it's small foot print. In looking at upgrade choices, I've been surprised about how the once frowned upon Class D amps are suddenly getting noticed (Nuforce, Channel Island, Bel Canto). I'd like to get better sound stage, image, power capability, and detail without harshness or having to going the tube route. I've read mixed reviews on the Ayre MX-R's, so I'd appreciate forum members thoughts on current market choices and considerations for putting together a new system.
I just demoed the Ayre MX-R connected to a Shindo tubed pre amp, Esoteric 03, Wilson Maxx II's, and Siltech cables/inter-connects. Sounded unbelievable!
I should like to add that the Rowland 312 I heard was matched to a Rowland Concerto pre-amp. I was truly stunned by how good the combination sounded. Had I known this fact one year ago, when I was still on the market for a pre, I would certainly have performed an a/b comparison of the little Concerto against the admittedly marvellous ARC Ref 3, which I eventually purchased.
if price is not an issue there are a few others to consider.

Burmeister, Goldmund, MBL and FM Acousitics all make ss preamps and amps that are highly respected if very expensive.

my personal favorite and the best i have heard is the darTZeel NHB-108 ss stereo amp and the NHB-18NS battery powered full function preamp.
i think asking a question, such as "what is the best....", is not helpful. only the one who asks the question can answer the question.

there is no best amp, preamp, cable, speaker, cd player, etc. .

they all sound different, they are all imperfect, i.e., inaccurate.

i think it is more useful to seek assistance in the pursuit of one's sonic goals.

there have been threads requesting opinions as to warm sounding components, or how to remove a negative aspect of the performance of a stereo system.

soliciting opinions to help solve problems can be useful.
Truly fascinating, MRT! And now, after blaring the painfully obvious, are you going to impart some wisdom onto us poor audiosods as to your own preferred SS amp, and how this yet unnamed device congrues with your own equally unstated audio goals?
Or will you mayhaps be satisfied to impart upon us your deep wisdom regarding that which is not, while leaving us the existential burden of grocking inner audio truth Zen fashion, by whispering higher and ever higher degrees of guruesque abstraction to this--your most humble of flocks?