What is the best SS Amp and Pre given the trends?

I currently have an active Linn system (Klouts, Kairn, Kabers) and want to upgrade. I originally chose Linn because of it being more musical verses sterile sounding and it's small foot print. In looking at upgrade choices, I've been surprised about how the once frowned upon Class D amps are suddenly getting noticed (Nuforce, Channel Island, Bel Canto). I'd like to get better sound stage, image, power capability, and detail without harshness or having to going the tube route. I've read mixed reviews on the Ayre MX-R's, so I'd appreciate forum members thoughts on current market choices and considerations for putting together a new system.
by the way, the best solid state amp is no solid state amp.

a decent tube amp is preferable to the best solid state amp.

tubes rule, don't be a solid state fool.
>>a decent tube amp is preferable to the best solid state amp<<

That is simply untrue.

Those of us who have heard many many amplifiers since the late 1950's know better.
MRT, I regret that you may not even know the meaning of the word perspicacity. For if you did, you would have likely displayed sufficient basic acumen to grock that this thread is not concerned with the old and tired argument of overall supremacy of SS over tubes or viceversa.
Rather, you have elected once more to showcase your singular lack of listening skills by blasting all and sundry with yet another of your sadly all-to-frequent fusilades of trite and facile generalities, masked as quasi guruesque words of useless wisdom.
Here's another vote for the Belles 350A Ref... just got one to drive my ML Summits... incredible textural detail from deepest bass to crystalline highs. Gives me goosebumps!