What is the SACD Mod business all about?

I am interested in SACD and have been researching the many posts here on Audiogon. There is a lot of ink on these companies that offer mods to the basic SACD players. Some of the mods cost as much as the players. I guess I am bothered by the notion that I need to buy a SACD player then have it modded to get the best sound. Something just seems wrong with that picture. I mean do you buy a new CAT preamp and then send it off for mods. If the format has to be modded to sound good maybe I should just stick with cds. Any thoughts?
With any piece of equipment, unless it is an all out assault on reference performance, with a cost no object design, some compromises must be made in design. On most high-end gear, these compromises are made on components that the designer feels will have the least negative impact on the sound. Also, as Rich hints to above, the mods on already good gear can be somewhat subjective.

I don't think very many people will argue that SACD is not a solid improvement over redbook CD's, and many of the new SACD players are also a huge improvement on redbook playback, so you get the best of both worlds.

FWIW, I have a stock Sony SCD-XA777ES, and I think it is excellent on both formats.

Count me as one a the few that would argue that SACD is NOT a solid improvement over CD.
I do believe SACD is much better than standard CD all things being equal. The depth and width of the soundstage are the areas where I have heard substantial improvement. I have also heard improvement in the same areas with the redbook layer of the SACD over conventional CD. Though not to the extent of the improvements garnered with SACD
I have a stock Sony SCD-1 and enjoy it immensly. Will I have it modded maybe in the future. But I feel you do not need to modify the player to hear the improvement of SACD over CD.

I have two moded sacd machines. Neither is just a parts upgrading. One the Allen Wright Sony 9000 has a new board in it, and the other an Exemplar (Tucker) Denon 2900 has a tube analog stage in it. Both are greatly superior to stock units both for sacd and cd. The Wright unit costs $1000 plus a Sony 9000 for a total of about $1600. The Exemplar/Denon cost $3000 including a new Denon. For these prices they rival or exceed units costing $10,000-$20,000.

On both good sacd is clearly superior to good cd, but good cd is superior to poor sacd. On the Denon good sacd is superior to good dvda.