What is you TIDAL setup?

A lot of audiophiles are waxing lyrical about this new HD streaming technology, proclaiming that this may be the best thing that happened to audio since the dawn of CDs. Positive reviews abound everywhere online. I succumbed and ordered a subscription. I'm glad I did, because TIDAL is freaking awesome! For a meager 20 clams a month, you suddenly have a 25 million CD collection at your fingertips! That alone is mind boggling and unthinkable a decade or so ago. I have been a SPOTIFY subscriber for a long time and can confidently say that TIDAL's streaming service is significantly better sounding and worth the extra subscription fee. I still kept SPOTIFY because, simply put, it has more selections. If SPOTIFY will offer HD streaming in the future, I will be in sonic nirvana! Pardon me for burying the leade. How did you incorporate TIDAL into your system? Here's my setup:

My system is composed of:

Shelter 7000
Well Tempered Amadeus
OPPO 103D - Transport and Blu ray Player
MAC MINI - upgraded SSD w/ 16GB RAM. Loaded with Amarra software
Auralic VEGA
Hovland HP100MC
Symphonic Line RG7 MK4
Gemme Audio Tanto Karbon V3
iPAD Gen 2 with Retina Display
Wireworld Silver Eclipse Cables

I did not want to go through the hassle of moving my tricked-out MAC MINi from the computer nook to the listening room so I figured out a way to use my iPAD as the source. You cannot plug your iPAD directly into the VEGA. You need an interface. This is where the OPPO comes in where it also serves as a CD and Blu Ray discs transport. You have to buy an iPAD HDMI adapter. Plug in the iPAD using the adapter to the back of the OPPO and you're in business. Did I mention that the OPPO can also play whatever music file you throw at it?! Be it AIFF, FLAC, DSD, etc.. For the price, it's one amazing technologically-packed piece of gadgetry. Let's move on. Ensure you have the TIDAL app downloaded to the iPAD. Connect OPPO to the VEGA via toslink or COAX and Vega to the preamp, receiver or amp and you're ready to play!

In my setup, I plugged the VEGA straight to the amp using ENDLER attenuators. I found the resultant sound much more transparent and dynamic than going through a preamp. For additional info, using the VEGA's built in volume control is not as sonically satisfying. I found the frequency extremes truncated and the overall sound dynamically constricted. This is especially true at lower listening levels.

So there! In the end, I believe I was able to save some money by buying the OPPO vice the Auralic Aries. Plus I now have a very capable transport that can also play my old CD and Blu Ray collections. I'm immensely enjoying TIDAL. I haven't touched my turntable or played any CDs for almost a month. Well..., gotta go! I still have 24,999,824 CDs to listen to.
I didn't mention my setup in an earlier post... I stream from my wifi to an iphone docked on a wadia 170i (upgraded welborne power supply), peachtree nova pre / 220 amp, monitor audio gx50's, signal canble silver resolution cables, pangea power cords.

I'm really surprised that a year or two ago I could not tell the difference between spotify and cd's but I heard the difference between spotify and tidal right away. Many songs that I know well sounded so different with all the underlying details / micro details that I thought they were remixes only to realize that they were the same songs. I've never had such a huge "hearing things for the first time" revelation.

Now that I've picked up on these nuances in the music, it would be hard to go back. Its like thinkjng your car doesn't have any dents, then one day you see a dent (that has probably always been there) and now you can't not notice it.

On a side note, I much prefer Spotify's user interface and music selection compared to Tidal. Tidal can be downright frustrating for me while searching. You have to spell the artists name perfectly or it wont pull it up. I can't figure out how to erase tracks that I've saved in folders created by me. Discovering new music is much easier and more intuitive on spotify also. I don't know which is easier; trying to convince spotify to up thier quality or convinve Tidal to increase thier music selection and improve thier interface.

One other thing I'd like to add is that these songs that sounded so much better on Tidal vs. Spotify didn't even have the "hifi" logo lit up on Tidal, so in conclusion, Tidals lower fidelity still blew away Spotify!!
I have an Aurender S10, and a few weeks ago Tidal streaming was added with the latest software update. So now I stream Tidal through the S10, then USB out to a Lampizator USB Transport, then to an Audio Note DAC.

I have ripped over 700 CDs with XLD and they're now stored on the S10. I've compared many of those rips to the same recording on Tidal, and I prefer Tidal.

I stream Tidal from my MAC Book Pro Computer 2.9GHz Dual-core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost up to 3.6GHz Laptop computer to my Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC using the Synergistic Research Active SE USB Cable.

The MAC Computer is connected to the Internet using the Linksys PowerLine Home Plug AV Kit (PLSK400). The Linksys PowerLine Home Plug AV Kit (PLSK400) lets you pass through the existing power lines in your home (or office) into a high-speed network. There is no noise problem with the Ethernet over power since it runs on your electrical lines at a higher frequency than the electrical power. It has proven to be a very reliable connection. Connection problems are very rare. My video system, dishwasher and other home appliances do NOT interfere when I am using the Ethernet over power connection for my MAC computer.

I like using Tidal for streaming very much. The best part, of course, is the sound quality. In addition, I like selecting an album and then scrolling down for additional albums by the same artist.
I have a couple setups.. home and Car.
Home.. Mac Mini via Web interface to DAC to amps.. Simple!

Car.. galaxy tab tidal app WIFI to wifi router via Optical to processor to digital amp full digital FLAC
I should have searched for this thread before starting one on this topic also... Oh well.

Im using Tidal and loving it also. I'll keep Spotify as well.

Hopefully they'll keep progressing with this streaming quality. I'd like to see it get even better!
running three different ways - (1)via the 'web' player - computer (ESI Juli@ soundcard) into Esoteric G25U upsampler/into K03 dac; 2nd way is pretty much the same, but using their downoaded player, not their web player. The 3rd way is via my Squeezebox (ickStream) and that seeems to be the BEST way as I have no dropouts, no lagging, seemless playback, fast searches, etc. I actualy thik the SB may (may) sound better but still playing around. Tidal is AWESOME. I have discovered so much new music it is not funny. I am a kid in a candy store with my $19.95 subscription!
I run a PS Audio PWD II. I get my TIDAL via router > Ethernet cable > Squeezebox Touch > coax > DAC. Last night I A/B'd this setup against router > wifi > Macbook Air > TIDAL in Chrome browser > USB > DAC and it wasn't even close; coax via the Touch won by a mile.
Mine is pretty straightforward - IPad to Apple TV wirelessly via Airplay, toslink from Apple TV to DAC. I'd say it's average CD quality. Lots of fun!