What is your favorite type of tweeter?

It seems to me that 98% of speakers under $1000/pr use dome tweeters, 95% of speakers under $5000/pr use domes, 92% of speakers under $10000/pr use domes, and 90% of speakers over $10000/pr use domes. Do those stats seem reasonable?

If a manufacturer were designing a new loudspeaker at a $5K or $10K price point, would there be a bias in favor of domes, in order to stick with a known, familiar entity, or a bias away from domes, in order to create interest and set oneself apart from the competition?

This forum does not have a "Poll" function, so I can't ask everyone to vote for their favorite type of tweeter. But I will be grateful for any comments.
I am totally smitten with the Gallo CDT tweeter - superb dispersion, excellent sound quality, extremely fast. Cymbals sound like cymbals and triangles are to die for...


Ribbons for me. But they are very hard to fabricate well so they tend to cost more than domes.

But I have to say that I am extremely satisfied with my JM Labs' inverted titanium dome. It doesn't have any of the tizz of a regular aluminum dome, which for me makes it a clear winner.
