What is your most beautiful component?

Sound qualities set aside... What is the most beautiful component in your system. If you can please provide links to a picture of it. For me it is my Basis 1400 turntable. This turntable is a piece of art. Unfortunately, I cannot find Basis' home page.
Without a doubt, my Adcom GFP-750. It is EASILY the most elegant component in my system. My Magnum Dynalab FT-101 does gets honorable mention however (it's not as elegant as my Adcom GFP-750 Two Channel Pre, but it does look the business, and in my book, that's what makes it a beautiful component in its own right).

And yet another vote for McIntosh electronics. I love the looks of my McIntosh MC-150 amplifier; with a close second
going to my Mac MR-73 tuner. Even my girlfriend's young grandkids - ranging in age from 7 to 17 - really think my stereo system looks really "cool"!
thanks Patrick for the kind words.....i do enjoy my system....especially when sharing it. if you are ever in the Seattle area e-mail me and come on over for a listen.

i promise plenty of food and no chores.

btw, your system is nothing to sneeze at either. ;^)
Thank you for your kind offer. Never been to Seattle area but I will keep the offer in the back of my mind. Been to Portland a few times. Beautiful.
I agree, I tend to doubly enjoy my system when playing it for an audio nut. Problem is I only know 1!
My Vienna Acoustic Beethovens with their Santos Rosewood finish are gorgeous. Extremely high WAF.