What Matters and What is Nonsense

I’ve been an audiophile for approximately 50 years. In my college days, I used to hang around the factory of a very well regarded speaker manufacturer where I learned a lot from the owners. When I started with audio it was a technical hobby. You were expected to know something about electronics and acoustics. Listening was important, but understanding why something sounded good or not so good was just as important. No one in 1968 would have known what you were talking about if you said you had tweaked your system and it sounded so much better. But if you talked about constant power output with frequency, or pleasing second-order harmonic distortion versus jarring odd-order harmonics in amplification, you were part of the tribe.

Starting in the 1980s, a lot of pseudo scientific nonsense started appearing. Power cords were important. One meter interconnects made a big difference. Using a green magic marker on the edge of a CD was amazing. Putting isolation dampers under a CD transport lifted the veil on the music. Ugh. This stuff still make my eyes roll, even after all these years.

So I have decided to impart years and years of hard won knowledge to today’s hobbists who might be interested in reality. This is my list of the steps in the audio reproduction chain, and the relative importance of each step. My ranking of relative importance includes a big dose of cost/benefit ratio. At this point in the evolution of audio, I am assuming digital recording and reproduction.

Item / Importance to the sound on a scale of 1-10 / Cost benefit ratio

  • The room the recording was made in / 8 / Nothing you can do about it
  • The microphones and setup used in the recording / 8 / nothing you can do about it.
  • The equalization and mixing of the recording / 10 / Nothing you can do about it
  • The technology used for the recording (analog, digital, sample rate, etc.) / 5 / nothing you can do about it.
  • The format of the consumer recording (vinyl, CD, DSD, etc.) 44.1 - 16 really is good enough / 3 / moderate CB ratio
  • The playback device i.e. cartridge or DAC / 5 / can be a horribe CB ratio - do this almost last
  • The electronics - preamp and amp / 4 / the amount of money wasted on $5,000 preamps and amps is amazing.
  • Low leve interconnects / 2 / save your money, folks
  • Speaker cables / 3 / another place to save your money
  • Speakers / 10 / very very high cost to benefit ratio. Spend your money here.
  • Listening room / 9 / an excellent place to put your money. DSPs have revolutionized audio reproduction
In summary, buy the best speakers you can afford, and invest in something like Dirac Live or learn how to use REW and buy a MiniDSP HD to implement the filters. Almost everything else is a gross waste of money.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xphomchick
+1 barrarich
Agree completely with your emphasis on room control and the changes from the new computer reality. Have described several times on Audiogon my belief that soon there will be only one box and it will include a media server, open-ended preamp with room correction (= accepts plug-ins), class D amp and as much memory as appropriate. All currently exists, it's just a question of some company making the business model and copyrights work out.
I primarily agree with Geoffkait.  One never knows if a tweak will render a huge, minor or no difference in the sound quality, positive or negative.  I find that the acoustics of a room is 50% of the sound quality.  A big percentage.  I was able to use Synergistic Research HFT system to remove all types of room treatments except for my Hallographs to greatly improve the sound of my system from adjusting room acoustics.

As to speakers, there are many fine ones out there and I chose the most cost effective ones for now which provide me with excellence in many facets, yet not the finest (or expensive) in any category.  Not necessarily easy to drive as they have low impedences with high efficiency.  I'm satisfied not spending $50K (Einstein, VR55K VS or Lumenwhite) to get 15% lesser performance at $2500 (Legacy Focuses used), although I am saving up to purchase one of those three in the near future (had the Focuses for 18 years).  It took more effort to find a great pre-amp than speakers or amps.  High[end quality pre-amps are really difficult to engineer well.   The best ones I've heard are $10K+ (e,g, EAR 912) while some high priced ones are awful (e.g. Ypsilon).

As to cabling, I tried many cables but stick with a high end, moderate cost brand GroverHuffman cables.  I've tried cheap Monster Cable ICs for poorer friends systems on my system (300s, earliest model of 3 300 types is best,usually $10/m on ebay) which were musically acceptable although rolled off the frequency extremes and were not great at retrieving detail.  I also heard High Fidelity and Transparent Audio cables many times and thoroughly reject them in favor of Monster Cable 300s.  Another inexpensive but really fine phono cable is a very low capacitance, silver coated 26 gauge copper solid core cable bought in bulk.  Beautiful sounding at $40, my friend uses it instead of my $450 phono cables.  So, the right choice of inexpensive cabling can work musically/sonically.   As to using low cost, lower quality cables on a high end speaker/amp/pre-amp system, why sacrifice sound quality if one can afford much better cabling?  

+1 with both @craigl59 and @barrarich

Class D amplifiers, DACs, and DSP processing are all high enough quality and cheap enough that the following high end stereo system should be just around the corner.
It will have WiFi connectivity to something like JRiver or Roon and this will feed the high quality internal DAC. It will be controlled remotely by an app on your cellphone. The speakers will have multiple drivers with each driver having its own Class-D driving amp. The output of the DAC will go into a multi-channel DSP circuit which will have a channel for each speaker driver.
The system will ship with a measurement microphone which will be used to measure the frequency and phase response at the listening position. Using software embedded in the system, the DSP channels will be optimized for each driver in each speaker. Such a system would probably work best with two smaller satellite speakers and a servo controlled subwoofer.
The technology now exists to build this and end up with a very high quality system. The downside is that you won’t be able to obsess about preamps, amplifiers, interconnects or speaker cables, but such is progress.

+1 phomchick

Another downside...we all have that "purchase a new box" urge. Those that have gone the Lyngdorf way are both smug and lonely at the same time...

Geoffkait wrote...

"it appears the most vociferous, outspoken and persistent skeptics and anti tweakers are the very same ones who frequently report getting no results"

BINGO!  And those people have a point - sort of.  They don't hear results, so they should not waste their time or money.  The common mistake is in assuming that others hear exactly what they do... which is (sorry) stupid, and trying to pass on the(ir) "truth" to the rest of us.

There is also another group of virulent nay-sayers who have not even listened, and just 'know' that everything with a price-tag is 'snake-oil' and 'audio jewelry'... and need to tell the world.