What most important in the sound of your cables?

The most important thing in the sound of my cables are speed and clarity without being bright. I like a natural sound as well with a little bit of fullness. This thread is about telling others what you like and what cables give that to you.
@jmcgrogan 2. Yes I am using the vienna acoustics beethoven baby grand se. I might need a bigger speaker one day. Has anyone hear the the listz series from vienna acoustics. I like the vienna sound. This veloce stuff is very natural and organic. It's very transparent and has great separation. It is basically one of the beat pre amps I have ever heard in my life. It is very clean with great layering. I'm using the high fidelity ultimate reference speaker cable on it and it is doing well as a system. One other thing the parasound cd1 is delivering great sound to this system. Smooth with no digital glare.
I like the Vienna Acoustic sound too Calvin. I owned the Beethovens (original) and then the Strauss for a couple of years each about 9-14 years ago. I never had them paired with electronics or cables that were as expensive as you are using back then though. Decent gear, preamps and amps that cost about $3K each, but not mega-buck stuff. When I went upscale with my electronics and cables, I went up to the Verity Audio Parsifal Encores, which were like $21K speakers. Beautiful speakers, visually and sonically.

Since the economic turmoil of 2008, I've scaled back quite a bit, back to some normalcy now. My current setup is about $30K, versus around $125K back about 5 years ago. I have no plans of letting things get out of control again.....unless I hit the lottery. LOL!!
I'm glad you are letting me know your history of ownership of these speakers. I have to really think about what I'm doing. The veloce is really a great pre amp. It may cause me to have to upgrade my speakers which I don't want to have to do. The veloce is great. I might have to think about what I'm going to do really hard. The Viennas are speakers I love because of the sonic signature they have. Thank you for sharing the information. It might add some clarity to my thoughts. Lol.
I wouldn't pay too much attention to rookies lynth and calvin.
They really don't have a clue.
@audiolabryinth. How are you. I'm glad that I have learned some much this year. I learned a lot about audio but more about people. I have met some really great people in audio this year. I got to meet the guys who make and develop equipment and how smart they are at fixing, modifying and diagnosing issues. I have listened to the top of the heap and budget audio this year. I heard dream systems and what makes them different. I heard some really great stuff and learned a lot. I'm truly thankful for the blessing that god has allowed me to experience this year. It's been a audio blast. I have listened to great stuff from high fidelity cables and be around people who really love this hobby. Some people it's not like that for. They want to put others down to feel better. I won't do that. I've been able to have long listening sessions with extremely high end dream equipment in the last 6 months alone. Wowwww!!! I been on a audio mission. I'm here listening to The jazz of Duke Pearson and Freddie Hubbard and I'm having a blast. @jmcgrogan thanks brother I love my Viennas. I'm going to hold on to them as long as I can they sound great. They make a great speaker.