What most important in the sound of your cables?

The most important thing in the sound of my cables are speed and clarity without being bright. I like a natural sound as well with a little bit of fullness. This thread is about telling others what you like and what cables give that to you.
"getting the tone is of course a must and given, however, The presataion and everything else set within differentation to give a holographic image of reality is 90% short commings of most cables but a few world class select few!"

Agreed except that the importance of correct timbre and tonality is precisely where most systems I hear are not accurate and there seems less interest in this to some listeners. I suppose the reason why is many feel this an area where there is less of an issue. What I hear at live performances that is strikingly different than most audio systems is the tone/timbre and pitch of instruments. The best cabling will reveal how true this is in a well sorted high performance system. Soundstaging and imaging will fall in place to the extent the rest of the system is capable of resolving what's on the recording with the best cables and therefore IMHO shouldn't be the emphasis but seems like it generally is in these discussions.
@ audiolabryinth. I can't remember the brand google former nordost designer cables.
Clear and natural like the high fidelity ultimate reference is working for me now. With a great amount of prat.
Got to be able to understand what is being sung even when vocals are not prominent or buried in the mix. That's a good sign for the midrange, where most music occurs, and perhaps the single best indicator overall. Usually a good omen for all the rest as well.