What preamp for my Shahinians?

I am driving my Shahinian Diapasons with a Rotel 380/channel solid state amp. I could spend up to about $6000 on a preamp. So far the ones I have heard in my system were not that impressive. (I currently have a Belles solid state).
The Plinius CD-LAD didn't sound as good as the Belles. The Hovland HP 100 had great mid-range but rolled off the bass too much and had tube ringing at high volumes.
It seems like finding the best preamp might take a long time. Can anyone suggest a pre-amp that might be good in my system? If your not familiar with Shahinian, I'd say they sound like Quad 988's but have more bass and play louder.
From what i understand Richard Shahinian recommends Solid state electronics for his speakers.Hart Huschens of Audio Advancements is a friend of Richards and also is the US distributor for ESE labs.The ESE lab line stage may be just the ticket.I think it retails for about $3300.
I am very hesitant in suggesting products but these happen work very well together.
Best of luck in what ever you choose
I have owned Diapasons for many years and I have large experience with different pre and power amps. I used to have SA-102: excellent amp but you need two in monoblock to get right low extension from these speakers - exactly as Mr. Thompson and I believe Dick Shahinian do.

Before you go to preamp - make sure that these, may be the best in the world speakers are driven by proper amplifiers.

My choice was Spectron Musician III (standard) - about three years ago and at that time I did not knew John Ulrick. The amp, for these speakers, was so good and I fall in love with them that as it said in the old advertisement " I bought the factory"..

What higher compliment to this combo can I give????
Good Luck