What's most important to WAF-size, shape, finish?

What do you think is most important (regarding loudspeakers) :-)
for the wives/significant-others WAF=wife acceptance factor?
Size, shape, texture, finish, color, sound quality,etc. in order of importance? What do you think or what has been your actual experiences? Your comments regarding 2-channel AND home theatre are appreciated.
Thanks and happy listening!
Agree with size: Smaller is better. Color per se is not a big issue -- rather, it's how well it matches and blends in. By the way, ask about various options in grill cover colors. I used to own some light cherry speakers with a cream grill cover (Thiel 2.3) that looked great in our family room but moved to a dark cherry with black (Thiel 6) when we moved to a different house. Hey, there's an idea -- try to match the decor now and let that lead to an automatic upgrade path when next you move ;-) As suggested, involve your wife up front and all will be well (or at least better). Good luck!
I think that Ozfly is suggesting a upgrade path to future componets not wives ;)
Tim, you devil, that's is eXactly how I was going to answer! Size DOES matter ;-}
was that also the case in the film industry? Oh Yeah........
No speakers at all or Bose AM 3's in white which is essentially the same thing.
Size (smaller the better), then shape. I once mentioned trying a differenct speaker in the home office from the B&W CDM-1 and I got a "I like how they look". "Cuter than the others".