What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?
06-23-10: Oddiofyl
I waited forever for the 997... I'm not even interested in the 998 after all the hype.
Outlaw hasn't successfully designed their own pre/pro since their initial Model 950, developed 7-8 years ago! The next-gen (970?) was sourced from Sherwood-Newcastle and Outlaw hasn't been able to bring an HDMI-based AVP out at all.

Onkyo's been offering them for three years.
Give me the equivalent of an old Acurus Act 3, only up to date with all the latest, and I'd be happy for my movie setup! Throw in an EQ, and keep that same dynamic, clear detailed, clean sound, and I'll have another processor for a decade or so.

You wish may be answered in October. One of my distributors has sent me pricing on both Acurus and Aragon gear coming from Indy Labs in what looks like OCT.

It appears to inlcude an updated Acurus Act 3
Cajunpepe, I THINK it's only $699(?)...and, yes, I'm sounding off. Hey, did someone just say the Act 3 is coming out as a different piece? YYYYAAAAAAAAH! Dare to dream. Hope, hope, hope, hope...
Um, yeah, I waited a year and a half on this Umc-1 turkey, and am mearly piping off on all this. I really don't care anymore.
I'm probably going to stick with my HK354 as a preamp to a multi-channel amp, and be happy with it for now. I really need the EQ - which apparenly is non-functioning on the Emotiva anyway. No dolby EQ or volume anyway. No 1.4 hdmi either.
Oh well. Guess you could chase all of this forever, and upgrade every other month.
Anyway, you're obviously getting what you've been promised to pay for with a $699 fishing lure. Even if it sounds great, overall, my room acoustics issues won't get dealt with properly, with no EQ on the Emo. I will be left with lots of bumps and modal ringing in my ears, with my small room. The Emo's not gunna help anyway. Better overall sonics with an EQ equiped unit, thank you.
Well, I hope all who buy the umc-1 enjoy it. Let us all know how it worked out.
Maybe I'll wait to see what the ACT 3 has to offer....
Hey, someone send me a link on the ACT3!!!
"...I've tried the emotiva umc-1 surround processor. Sounds good but it had bugs. It would lock-up. So it was returned." (Drake719)

Perhaps I've been a little hard on Emotiva. And perhaps I've simply had "unrealistic" expectation regarding the performance (or lack thereof) of the UMC-1.
I mean I suppose it's entirely possible that to expect my audio gear to not LOCK UP during normal payback would simply be asking too much. Perhaps I should likely just settle, and be satisified with being interupted during my favorite music, or a critical movie scene!
I mean hey, after all, just because someont holds out for nearly years, waiting to purchase some representation of cutting-edge technology at rock bottom price points does not mean, afterall, that one should expect basic necessities, such as, say the "EQ" to work as assumed... nor I suspect should we necessarily expect it to recognize or latch onto a digital signal properly...and of course having features that either don't work or show up as "non-existent" are probably acceptable issues, as well. Yes, I feel I'm being a bit "needy", me thinks...
There used to be a skit on FOX's "Mad Tv" called "Lowered Expectations!" Immages of familiar scenes from that show come flooding back to the forefront of my inconvenient memory with this one! I just can't help it.
Well I guess sometimes it must be true to say, "if it looks good, and it sounds good...then there's a damn good chance that it also just might not work good, too!
Hey, it happens...