What's wrong with my Cal Delta/Sigma?

I recently purchased this transport/dac combo. Help me upgrade this set up. My soundstage is muddy, highs and mids are veiled, bass is punchy, and I am not getting that tube "glow" that I expected to get from using this set up.

My amp/pre is Aragon 8002/Nakamichi Ca-7a, Speaker is KEF 103/4, cables are AQ Emeralds and Argents, and using a Monster reference2 as digital coax between the dac/trans (recently ordered a silverserpent from bettercables.com yet to be received).
Tesla is a 'good' tube.... There may better IMHO... It all depends on your system, ears, wallet and the desire to tweek. I liked the stock LN tube from CAL $40 (per my other post), and Kevin Deal has a tube suggestion (which I can't recall) that was also nice for ~$30. I had a NOS Telefunken that was also beautiful, but costly ($125).

Good luck with the tweeks -- I am glad you got your original problem(s) solved. I guess I qualify as a "tuberoller" (my current system is all tubes with the exception of the transport, cables and speakers).

Just want to update on my system. I have received 2 LAT power cables, 2 mapleshade clearview ultrathins and 1 doublehelix powercord.

First, I installed the 2 LAT pc on my delta/sigma. The difference is subtle where the sound is slightly more detailed, slightly quieter, soundstage is less in your face, and slighly better imaging. I installed only to the dac first, and the image was sort of out of wack, and it only snapped back into focus after I installed the transport with a LAT pc as well.

Second, I installed the ultrathin, replacing audiotruth emeralds, from the dac to pre and pre to amp. This installation is dramatically changed the sound of my system. The highs and lows found a home that were once lost. The soundstage is now prominent without being able to say "oh its more forward or less forward", its just everywhere.

Third, I installed the doublehelix pc to my preamp, and this is where all the magic started to shine through. I read somewhere in audiogon that my pre, nakamichi ca-7a, needs a good powercord. But, using the LAT with the NAk, I only noticed subtle improvements. But after installing the doublehelix, my whole system breathed new life. The highs are sheer and smooth, the lows are strong and controlled, and the mids are absolutely not there (in a good way).

Maybe I should return the LAT cables and get all Mapleshade powercords? I read somewhere that they suck with digital...

Anyways, sorry to bore all you good folks! But, Mapleshade ROCKS!
Glad to hear your happy with the Mapleshades. After you've given them more time to settle in, I'm sure you'll appreciate them even more. Maybe it's time for me to look into upgrading my Absolute Power Cords.