What should I do?

I am seriously considering making a change I have a CJ LP70S amp and a Prima Luna 3 Pre amp.I am considering a CJ Premiere 17 LS2 pre amp. in place of the Prima Luna.Would I enhance my sooujd by doing so? I would be gaining the teflon caps which factory says is a real plus. Any ideas?
I think that you would be better off with a Premier 16LS. It may cost a bit more than the 17LS, but it is the better preamp. You would do well with the Calypso as well.
Re:Cyclonicman. Thanks for your comments. May I pick your brain a bit further? You were speaking of the 17LS. I have assumed that the 17LS2 is an improvement over the 17LS. I am told that it has the teflon caps instead of the polyestine (sp). And among other improvements they have gone to vishay resistors which I understand are a great improvement. I am sure you are aware that you are talking to an illiterate as far as audi0o goes. I am trying to put the final piece together in my systrem. I apppreciate good music and I can tell when it is coming thru a good system. I like my present system but have felt that adding this final CJ I would have the best that Icould ejjoy. After all I am a 90 year old codger who loves his music I may be able to get a 17L
S2 at a price I could afford. But I can't stretch it much farther.As is I am spending my kids inheritance. I would appreciate further cxomment. Thanks Jacknorth1178
My God, 90? I thought I was an uber geezer at 79. I heard both the 17LS and 17LS2 in my system and there's almost no comparison-- the 17LS2 is superior in every way, well justifying the $1500 increase in MSRP. Hang in there, you've given me new hope :-)

If your source is CD you will be amazed how good the Raysonic 168 or 228 variable tube outs are. I replaced a $3K preamp and never looked back. Plus, one less shelf, power cord, interconnect... oh and they are awesome CD players to boot
On the other hand, my Raysonic 128 sounds like hell without an active preamp for it to feed. But yes, it's awesome.