What Speakers are avail Similar to Nola Contender

I am seeking the best speaker for use with 40 watts tube power (Primaluna 5). In terms of sensitivity, efficiency and size the Nola contender would be a good match. I would like to know based on others experience what they may think or know would compare to or better the Nola in the up to $5,500 price range. I had an interest in the PSB Synchrony but due to their 89DB and 4ohms it appears you need a good 100 watts to play them at their potential. I currently have the Triangle Celius ESW. After an attempt to replace them with Vienna Acoustics (Mozart Baby Grand) I ended up hanging on to the Triangles. I am not sure how I would like the Nolas compared to the triangles, but I am close enough to a Nola Dealer to check them out. Would be grateful for any suggestions

Thank You
You don't need an efficient speaker for your 40W tube amp. 87dB Totem Forest is good match with stable 8Ohm impedance.
Thank You, I am glad you brought up the Totem. I will check into them
Thank You for your time, Brad
I heard the Contenders recently and really like them. Good looking and better sounding. Sweet mids, tight bass, holographic.
Bought the Contenders. I mated them up with a Cary sli 80 integrated and an Oppo bpd95. Switched out the kt88 tubes to kt120s. Wow, never expected to out do my "reference" but these babies sing. The tone and imaging on the contenders are about the best ive heard. many of my friend with much more expensive systems have come over and left amazed.Check out the Nolas....you wont be disappointed thanks, brian