What speakers for 10k?

Looking to buy the end of game speakers, currently I have Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand. My amp is the Parasound a21 with the Parasound p5 pre amp, Marantz sa8001 sacd and the Marantz sr5001 avr, psa xs15se sub. My budget is 5 to 10k on main speaker upgrade.
"Some of my most rewarding moments listening to music at home, were decades ago, played through a pair of Magnepan MG1's powered by a Yamaha receiver. The enormous amount of joy I was able to derive from that rather humble system is unforgettable."

I bet you couldn't sell them fast enough. lol. Sell your best components and buy ones you hate. Its the audiophile way. I remember selling my Unity Audio Sig 1's (best speaker I ever had up to that point.) and squeezing a pair of B&W 800's into my small NYC apartment. It was a bloodbath. Those things got me sitting or standing. From my listening chair, the tweeters hit my ears like ice pics. The pointy edges got me as I was walking to the bathroom in the dark. Broke a toe. Had to set them up backwards so they pointed in. Coolest looking speaker I ever had.
Yeah I know you don't judge a speakers sound by a you tube video, but I would not judge a speakers sound at a dealer or a friends house. ill judge the sound in my room with my equipment. I think the breeze or stiff breeze would be an upgrade over the VA Mozart's, and dealing with custom speakers idk if you can return them if you don't like their sound. so maybe in this case it might be wise to go small then go bigger if I feel the need.
Jughead, as far as I know , vapor does not offer trial period or money back guarantee. You don't like em . You sell em. Unless you were to upgrade, then they may take em back.
I know you've been down on planar, but Maggie 20 or even 3.7 will keep you satisfied.
There's a nice pair of Acoustic Zen Crescendos for sale here for $7500. I have no idea if these speakers meet your personal tastes, but that's a lot of quality full-range speaker for the $$$. And you'd still have $2500 left for a vacation. Sorry, but as good as the Breeze may be they sure don't sound like "end of game" speakers, but the Crescendos...

Best of luck.