What sub do "U" use ?

Just wondering what the average "gonner" uses.How many?No pissing contest OK!
None as I just sold my sub last year. But if I was not overwhelmed with the bass coming out of my full-range speakers, I would not hesitate to purchase the right sub.

I am using a pair of Vandersteen 2Ws right now, with Fostex single driver mains. They don't have much deep bass anyways, and they integrate VERY VERY well. Sometimes I end up checking to make sure that they are actually on.
A Legacy LFE Extreme in the front, and a Velodyne HGS-10 in the back. But for two channel I use neither.
Geez Elizabeth! How many ghetto blastin' fools have you taken out?

Thats one of the reasons i bought a house. Dont have to walk on eggshells all day long cause some crazy lady next door is fixin to pop a few rounds in my chest cause i cranked my rig and the bass interfered with her maggies. ;)

basements can be great things.

I got a crap sub. To embarrased to even tell ya what it is.

Would like to get either a Velodyne DD sub (used of course, thats expencive) or maybe a Definitive Technology Supercube Reference.

Deftech makes some great subs, very musical, very powerful, and not very expencive. Definatly a great value at thier price point.

Im just kidding Elizabeth, yer not crazy.
.... are you?... ya know im just playing around right?


damn... that.... really..... hurt.... ugghhh...