what would you change if anything, in this set up?

here is my set up- Wondering if this all seems paired correctly to you guys and if there is any particular area I should consider to improve the set up. I am happy with the sound in general but sometimes I feel like it's lacking gain on the digital side of things (no issues with gain on vinyl AT ALL) and in general I feel it can lack the WOW factor I'd hoped for. I listen to a range of old and new rock: (Beatles/Stones/Radiohead/Tom Waits/Amy Winehouse

Integrated amp: Ayre AX-7E
Source 1: Turntable: Pro-Ject RPM 5.1 w/ Ortofon 2M blue cartridge
Source 2: MacBook Pro via USB to DAC
DAC: BelCanto 1.5 (connected via unbalanced RCA to int. amp)
Phone stage: Sutherland PH3D
Speakers: Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grand Symphony SE (connected w/ 'Transparent' speaker cable)

About 15x15
Wall opposite speakers is mirrored.
Wall to right of speakers is glass floor to ceiling.
Area Rug

Any general advice on speaker placement is also welcome. I have them approx. 6' apart, on either side of a fireplace. Slight toe-in. Speakers are about 10' away from my listening position.

Ok-that's it-
Thanks in advance for any input.
"Range of of and new rock." equals a subwoofer. don't skimp on size. 10" is good 12" is great and 15 moves all the air you may ever need. Post related to appropriate subs for your rig. You'll be reading posts until the Spring. I think you will find a sub will deliver the goods.
Hello,There are some good answers above.I was just wondering if you are listening thru Itunes? The BelCanto DACs have a reputation for good SQ.I have an older BC DAC 2 ,that sounds very good in my system.Playing thru Itunes sounds OK.The quality goes up quite a bit when I use Audirvana.I just finished a demo with the newest version of Amarra,and thought it sounded as good in a different way(really liked the EQ).Good luck and Happy New Year,Ray
I have very little space behind the speakers (due to room size/function). Less than a foot.... And thank you and everyone else for all the great insight!
Thanks Jeff- I know a superior CD player would make a big difference but I would love to hold onto the convenience of iTunes. So maybe an Ayre DAC (as someone mentioned) would be a good step in the right direction. Not in love with the Bel Canto anyway.... THANKS!