What Would you Trade your System FOR?

Since many of us basically have a possessive/obsessive relationship with our system, I am just curious to what you would trade you system for...(and I don't mean for another system either). I'd give mine up in a heartbeat if I am able to travel around the world until it's my last day on earth.
Being able to travel for four months time with each of the following people:

Cameron Diaz
Jody Foster
Jill Hennessy
Nicole Kidman
Gwyneth Paltrow
Natalie Portman

This would require two years, at which time my mind would be so full of glorious thoughts, that I could coast to my last days without my system.

Yes, do it then...trade your system and work for world peace (are they mutually incompatible?) I'm finding I'm spending a lot of tiem on my system and even with upgrades because it gives me a sense of control over things in a difficult time. Yet overall I feel like it is a somewhat empty pursuit, so there's some guilt.
Then again, I am ready to become a peace activist.
Otherwise, I would trade it for a woman who shares love for music and is very affectionate + warm.