What Would you Trade your System FOR?

Since many of us basically have a possessive/obsessive relationship with our system, I am just curious to what you would trade you system for...(and I don't mean for another system either). I'd give mine up in a heartbeat if I am able to travel around the world until it's my last day on earth.
I had a chance to drive a 2000 Viper GTS and a Ferrari 355 drop top, each for a weekend last summer. The Viper was big and powerful but with no finesse and a real chore to drive quickly. The Ferrari, on the hand, was sweet and responsive and I would gladly go back to a Fisher shelf system for that truly wonderful car. I had my eye on lesser 'more affordable' sports cars over the last few years (Honda 2000, Vette C5, Boxster) but driving that Ferrari has really spoiled me so much so that I'll s keep my '66 MGB until, I can hopefully someday, afford the Ferrari. Do you think they'll have SACD mobile by then...
Lornecherry I agree, I have driven tons of cars and one of my buddies has a 360 modena and there is nothing like it, period. A viper can be fast but has no panache, similar to a stang, camaro or even a vette. Out of your 'resonable' choices the Boxster is the pick of the liter a joy to toss through the turns. But my problem with ferrari's, aside from maintance, it is only a 2 seater!! where are the girls suppose to sit. I need a 540i(6 speed of course) or something to accomodate more then just 2 people(hint hint S55 AMG). Oh yea I just realized I want in car SACD before I give up my current stereo.
you may have my system as your very own for nothing down, nothing per week. all that's needed is your agreement (and proven wherewithal) to pay my expenses, as i incur them in my sole discretion, for the remainder of my natural life.. pretty simple, eh? just like gettin' divorced -cfb
Hay cornfed you sound like you have an arrangment like this going already, is that how you got those Eidolon's??LOL! My only question is who gets the dog? I mean you can't cut him in half.