When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?

Of course I know my own story, so I'm more curious about yours.  You can be as succinct as two bullets or write a tome.  
I prefer to take the view that posting systems mean absolutely nothing. Knowing what’s in the system is NOT a key to how the system sounds. And trying to imagine what a system sounds like based on photos is nothing more than idle speculation. It’s all just posturing. Hel-loo! Example: one of the most expensive and renowned systems extant was out of phase for at least a year. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

We are all entitled to our opinions Geoff. I think if you are going to make a comment saying someone's system, or portions of it are inadequate, you should show what you have as a comparison.
We are all entitled to our opinions Geoff. I think if you are going to make a comment saying someone's system, or portions of it are inadequate, you should show what you have as a comparison.

I'm saying no such thing. Don't put words in my mouth! 
Geoff, please pay attention. Don't take my words and stuff them in your mouth when that was not my intention. ;-).

That comment was referring back to my original post. I was not talking about you, just indicating why I thought the person in my original post should have their (not your) system on Audiogon.

Best Regards,

Jim Perry

"I haven't spent more money on the digital side of the system because I just don't believe it will change the sound significantly enough to justify the outlay."

This is where I am at too.  I have an NAD Masters M51 DAC (Stereophile thought it was A list) and I can't get it to sound as good as my analog section either through Tidal's masters, through hi resolution downloaded files, or through CD to the DAC.  It does sound great though. Maybe the NAD is not the best, but if it's a Stereophile Class A I wonder how much more I'd need to spend and I'm not confident that it would get me to the land of Oz.