When is Belles going to get the credit he deserves

Having been in the audio business for 20 years, owned a High End Store for 12 years, and Director of Sales for a notable High End Manufacturer; I sold just about every high end electronics line on the planet. Also, I was exposed to those few I hadn't sold during my travels while working for the manufacturer, visiting more than 100 stores all across the USA. So this perspective comes from a very broad look at the industry. Dave Belles is making, in my humble opinion, amplification and preamps, which outperform some which cost multiples of his pricing. Yet, when it comes to reviews, he rarely gets a mention. This is unfortunate, since it leaves the consumer, who is searching for great values,out in the cold.
It is true that he is a very small company, and hand builds everything, but isn't that the American Dream? "If I build it they will come" That is worth repeating; HE HANDCRAFTS ALMOST EACH PIECE. In a world of cookie cutter products this is a refreshing difference. The time has come for more people to be aware of his products; they are simply amazing. For the money they are a triumph of ingenuity. Also, some of the reviewers out there need to give this man his due. Marty DeWolf, I think it was, reviewed the 350 Amp, and was spot on on his evaluation. That is a wonderfully open and dynamic amp, and, for a very good price. Are we stuck on, "If they don't advertise, they don't get reviewed?
Comments please.
the 350 is a nice amp, but its not the best thing since sliced bread as marty states, nor is it cheap at its price. ---i lived with it for 8 mos hooked up to merlin VSM's, so i should know.

there's lots of competent designers working out of their houses, belles is just one (Herron comes to mind as well, same for Lamm). there's plenty of competition at this price point. but belles is a safe bet, much like audible illusions was before the market passed them by.

btw, would you be a dealer for belles? i'm cynical of any rave...
No, I am not. Why cynical? Even if I were a dealer it wouldn't change my question.
Its just that after hearing electronics at all prices for the past many years, and all over the USA, I am just surprised at the lack of press, and or recognition, given that his amp is better than most I have heard, near the price of $3500. The question is exactly what it appears to be. Just curious, what other amps do others out there think are in this league at this price? It's solid state, with 250wpc, and damping of >1600. This seems like a well designed piece to me, and an excellent value, but maybe I am out of touch though. Also, I love Bobby, but a good question in this instance would be, how do you judge deep bass response of an amp with a speaker that doesn't have any deeper bass response than the VSM's? They are good speakers but below 50hz or thereabouts is suspect. I am driving Von Schweikerts which go flat below 20, with great dynamics.(Also, by way of comparison, to my knowledge Belles doesn't have a $22,000 amplifier as does Lamm , and that is the point. He is achieving a lot, IMHO for this price range, that's all I was asking.
I guess he is making it. Even without the recognition Larry is hoping for. Maybe he doen't want it, that way. He's, as you said around for 20 yeaRS, SO HE MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT. Maybe over-exposure would kill him. Steal his soul. He knows the game where not neccesary he would be the winner.
first off, i agree, the bass w/ the 350 is quite startling in its drive, authority, pitch and impact. it can be considered reference in that regard (even the merlins made that obvious when compared to lesser amps. bigger speakers would make it more so).

in the ballpark at the price range, i would venture that the berning is nice if not the same cup of tea; step up higher to $6k and the parasound JC1s have it beat coming and going. the belles is on the warm side of neutral, its highs are a bit muffled, and it lacks a bit of body for SOTA imaging.---granted, i'm nit-picking, as i still think its a fine amp, much better than lots of higher priced competition (plinius and bryston come to mind as being "less for more"). ultimately i sold mine to get into a better amp (used) for less $ that had a better protection circuit than the belles---i needed a delay-on feature on my amp (which belles doesn't have) in order to prevent any DC output from my preamp from reaching my speaker. the belles didn't have that, but my new amp does.

never heard the integrated or the preamps, but knowing dave, they're both solid designs w/ good value for the money (like sim audio or rogue products are) and more than enough for most people.
