When is digital going to get the soul of music?

I have to ask this(actually, I thought I mentioned this in another thread.). It's been at least 25 years of digital. The equivalent in vinyl is 1975. I am currently listening to a pre-1975 album. It conveys the soul of music. Although digital may be more detailed, and even gives more detail than analog does(in a way), when will it convey the soul of music. This has escaped digital, as far as I can tell.
This is definitely yesterday's news folks. . . lots of CDPs out there that are fully emotionally involving.
there is no emotion in a machine. an emotion is a reaction from a human being. music conveys the emotion, but the reciver expresses it or feels it.

it is not the function of a "machine" to convey emotion.
sound quality is not necessary to experience an emotion.

a simple medium, such as a table radio will suffice, as will a personal stereo which can be purchased from a mass merchandiser.

as poor sounding as a recording may be, it is still possible to receive that which music is communicating. while you may not like the sound, the message can be communicated in spite of the sound.
MRT, I conveyed your thoughts to my TEAC X-01 Limited this morning. . . and I would like to let you know that she immediately started to throw hissy fits. . . she's rather emotional sometimes, no matter how much I threaten to put her on a strict regime of Brian Eno.
I haven't followed the entire thread, but I'm inclined to agree with Nilthepill- almost - but then, I first refused to believe my ears, I listened again - in my system no less - to a well set up Goldmund Reference I, a Clearaudio Insider and a WAVAC phono. I hadn't listened to vinyl for five years, but now through this rig and listening to big orchestral classical gear my truly unwilling answer is: "NEVER" at least not with that kind of music.

Mrtennis, Yes I do see your point... and I have been moved by music from a table radio, because the musical message was so strong. However, if audiophilia goes together with love for music, you would expect from your rig, that it would move you emotionally with the right kind of music. After all, that is what you set it up for, to listen deeper into the essence of a musical piece. Exceptional systems will reveal information which a simple system really cannot and the deeper you are enabled to listen into the interweave of a complex musical message, the more you may become enthralled by it. This is a simple truth I'm afraid, though elite in a way of course, which may make it unsavoury to many. However, the sad truth is, if you're used to guzzle cheap wine, you wouldn't know what a good bottle of Bordeaux can do to you. You may get drunk on both, but the way to there is oh how different.
Cheers, D,