Where do you guys buy replacement tubes?

I'm sure it's been covered, but I haven't found it. I'm looking to replace my sons tubes in his amp. We have had some bad experiences to date with suppliers and I would like your recommendations on good suppliers. His amp uses 6336A tubes, a real odd ball, so the supplier needs to cover alot of types I would guess. Thanks for your help, J.D.
I would highly recommend Robert Silk of Silk Electronics. Robert is very knowledgeable, his prices are great, and he will certainly go the extra mile for his customers. I must mention at this point that Robert is a personal friend, but I can't imagine any of you going wrong with his advice or product! Robert can be contacted @ 801-583-6616
Hey Dekay - you are right...I did miss your question about 300B prices. I saw you ask about the 6922 prices, and asked you to go to my website. E-mail is very difficult for this kind of purchase anymore for products like yours. The going back and forth is very confusing, and in fact I have e-mail several days old that is not answered. This is because I won't let an employee answer for me and say something incorrect and potentially damaging to a customers gear. I know that another tube dealer won't do any e-mail inquiries at all...only phone.

It's a tough one, guys. I started at 6AM, did not take a lunch break, and it's now 11PM (and my other half isn't pleased)

A good example is a gentleman (no doubt a nice guy) that wants me to describe the sound of several 12AX7's that he may buy one of for his made in China headphone amp. I type like a sloth. And have never heard his unit. So if I don't have solid info I'm not going to B.S. someone and make it up to sell a tube. Just like your amp. I have re-tubed the Audion, but have no feedback from customers, and have never heard one. So what am I gonna tell you?

Then there is the guy that wants info on re-tubing something he MAY purchase someday. The other guy that sends me 18 e-mails for one tube purchase. Then the pictures people e-mail me (without asking) of their bad E-bay deals and want me to help them "make their case" or tell them if they got screwed. It is difficult to know who is calling or e-mailing bored from work and who really needs help.

We have a retail location for equipment here, and sometimes I have someone standing in front of me that has driven hours, or even flown in to audition equipment. If I am direct on the phone at times, it's because I am under pressure at that moment to keep my promises to people, and frankly I get too chatty. That is different than being "snooty" as another called me. I dig the hobby, and my customers.

Then remember...there are two sides to every tube sale. It takes many hours to track down some of this stuff. We won't hit 100%...nobody does. So it goes.

P.S. - we take all credit cards...I don't know what you meant by we don't...maybe I missed something.

P.P.S. - the reason it's so busy is because tube gear is in the most exciting period I have ever seen in my 24 years selling hifi for a living. We are truly in a period of creative thinking and fun stuff. I used to get into the "it ain't like the good old days" mode but not now. It's more fun than ever.
What a fantastic set of posts. I just want to thank everyone who took the time here to try and help me. I have tried all the sites and have found I must really call these folks to get a proper information. I would incourage all to visit some of these sites. There is a great deal of history and theory on a few of the sites that became a wonderful education for me. Thank-you again to all, and please feel free to use this post to further list suppliers, or to discuss results of certain suppliers. Thank-you Kevin for your input, I think you taking the time to post shows how much you do care. I hope other suppliers will take the time to promote them selves or to help solve problems. J.D.
Kevin is a straight up guy and did allow a return of unused tubes when an amp aquisition fell through for me. I will continue to do business with him as I believe you can't put a price on having confidence in what you are purchasing.His recommendations are excellent as well.