where to find sacd's??

I just ordered a sony s9000es, now where can I find any sacd's to try out? Has anyone heard this unit yet?
Ditto to cornfedboy, Acoustic Sounds has a great selection and a excellant catolog. (acousticsounds.com)
Once you decide what sacd's to buy sign on to www.hmv.com - great prices and if you buy 4 or more then its free shipping.
Pkron: On your aside, Telarc is also planning, if they ever get time at the SACD plant, to release some of its early Soundstream recordings, which will be interesting to hear since I'm told the Soundstream was the original DSD machine. As far as the superiority of the old Sony analog tapes, it depends on the recordings; a lot of the old Columbia stuff can sound a little shrill, because that was the way they recorded it.