where to invest???

hi all, back again looking for some advice from the group. not sure where to post so i thought i'd start here. saved up a couple bucks and was looking to upgrade cabling first. but actually i am not sure what upgrade/additions would benefit my system best and to take care of first. specifically my system needs: isolation for evrything(was thinking herbies), upgrading cableing, ic's and speaker(am using blue jeans throught, was thinking pnf, ps audio statement, straley), aftermarket pc's(currently using all stock pc's, was looking at TAD's jellyfish ironlung all around to start or ps audio powerpunch), OR upgrading power conditioning(currently using belkin pf30 and a quantum symphony. was looking at audiomagic stealth basic, blue circle noisehound products, maybe a ps audio product). i can only do 1 complete category for the near future(at least a year). where do you guys think my money would be best spent?
dedictaed lines
jaton operetta 5140
marantz sr-6003(as pre)
totem dreamcatchers
belkin pf30/quantum symphony
bluejeans cable
I have an EP-2050 installed at my service panel. Like Stringreen, I noticed a subtle change in improved clarity. I'm comfortable knowing the product is used in commercial applications, is a proven technology, and my entire home benefits from its filtering and surge protection.

That said, I also use aftermarket power cords, and an Alan Maher Design Reference Power Center V2.

Doug at Environmental Potentials recommended using their EP-2450 Home Theater Power Supply in addition to the EP-2050, but I have not tried it.
blindjim, why do you suggest a twin outlet unit? my entire system has over 8 components to plug in? are you suggesting i plug the belkin into the hydra or ps audio unit?
more thanks to everyone!
See PS Audio's Premiere power regenerator and save yourself all the electrian/contractor hassles. See the abundant reviews for this unit that takes your wall outlet power and reprocess the output as "perfect" electrical power at rock steady voltage with no discernable distortion. On sale for $1700 if you look hard enough. It's better than any filtering, or house electrical upgrades.
No. i was just thinking entry level... small.. not pricey... to find out if you felt it was a qualified improvement and if so, another step or two up the food chain would then be a more likely move... Rather than going all in on a $500 - $1000, "something or other" you've not tried yet.

There is also the prospect of buying accordingly to the component (s) on hand. Many have difficulty with adding a $1000 power cord to a $500 amp... or even a $1000 amp. I had a lot of trouble justifying such expenses a while back and still do sometimes.

In fact I've got a $1500 power cable on a $1300 power cond. A $900+ pc on a $1200 HT receiver... from time to time... and so forth. Why? 'Cause I can and it sounds better. Dig?

Sure, as I said, all will be different but the flavor of many product lines is visible in much of their products, from the least expensive on up to the more or most, expensive.

While on that PLC/PLF note... I prefer a separation of filters/conditioners... One type for sources and low current components, and another for amps and preamps... when ever possible. but that's just me. it may wind up being I use two identical conds, but with different supply cords, as the only difference. Well... it works for me.

Many folks do have success with the 'one size fits all' approach. Prefering to use one unit for every component plugged into it.

The poster who prefers not to use the conditioners is not alone. The better the power supply itself feeding the home, and as well, on the power train, amps, or preamps, the lesser the effect the majority of power filters will have upon it/them.. usually. Some so called non current limiting units do in fact limit current, BTW. Current limiting cmoes off as restricted dynamic thrust. The overall effect however may wind up being simply a trade off, and the result can be one of improved sound, regardless.

I agree too, that power cable upgrades are a just about necessity and a slam dunk easy enough place to begin. All alone, you should realize noticeable gains then and there.

Natuarlly results can and do vary... and again, why I said "wade in, rather than dive in head over heels" right off spending money unecessarily.

Everything matters. Systems are a mix, a concoction, or stew if you will, add different things to the same stock and you'll wind up with something different each time.

BTW... This is my exp... not simply my advice. I began with a set of power cords, then others, then PS Audio plc, then a Hydra.. then isolation, rack, and somewhere just lost my mind and went a whole different route when things were the best I'd ever had! So just have fun and good luck.

Clear as muc now?
thank you sir, for your being so thorough and to everyone else. my "dive in" philosophy is based on my reality, unfortunately. there's a cupula bucks available so i need to spend it or...if the roof leaks its gone, a car tire goes its gone, my daughter asks for new shoes its gone. you get the idea. my wife does the financing and while there would be other methods to finance such inevitabilities, the audio budget goes first! feel me? here's what i've come up with today:
2 blue circle PLC thingees, 1 plugged into each of my dedicated lines outlets, so i can isolate certain components with their yalu surge protector into the other socket of each outlet. then...
vibrapods under everything. live with that for a bit, swap out some isolation every now and then cuz individually they can be cheap(expensive too i know!), and then when another another large(everything is relative)chunk of change comes along play with cables. the bluejeans cables i have are regarded well. wat do y'all think of that direction? ......or treat the room. whoah can of worms.