Which allround speaker ?

I listened to a pair of Thiel CS2.4 yesterday, linked up to some fine gear (Pass Labs pre and poweramps and Musical Fidelity DAC and CD player), but I found them harsh and too revealing. But I loved their imaging, their punch/slam and detail.
But I'm looking for a speaker that would have me listen to all my cd's, and with the Thiels I'm afraid I won't be able to listen to 80% of my collection anymore.

Any suggestions for a speaker that would be more up my alley? I want an allround wonder that is fast, direct, detailed, with lots of bass punch, slam, but a little on the warm side, not too revealing and definitely not too bright/harsh.

P.s. I know lots of you don't find Thiels to be harsh, esp. when linked to first rate gear. But let's not get into that discussion. They're just too bright for me, and even if they're just nutral, the fact remains that many cd's could be tossed out the window, since I wouldn't be able to listen to them anymore...

Thanks for the suggestions, but many of the mentioned speakers are (don't wanna nitpick here)not the most pleasing for the eye (WAF). I like the looks of:

Sonus Faber Cremona
Dali Helicon 800
WLM Diva
Wilson Benesch Discovery (but too expensive)
Focal Electra 1027/1037 be
Audio Physic Scorpio (bass too boomy)
Audio Physic Virgo V (too much midrange)
Usher Dancer series (but too big, except monitor BE-718)

Any other suggestions? Or experience with these speakers?
Any/every high end speaker should play all cd's of all genres.
Would you buy a car that could only travel down the Autobahn?
@Gawdbless: That's why I won't go for the Thiels and I'm looking for an alternative ;-)
Oops, Hulskof, I thought It said 'you have a pair', Apologies.
Talking Euro's? Are you In Europe? If so, why not check out bd-design horn speakers from the Netherlands.
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