Which allround speaker ?

I listened to a pair of Thiel CS2.4 yesterday, linked up to some fine gear (Pass Labs pre and poweramps and Musical Fidelity DAC and CD player), but I found them harsh and too revealing. But I loved their imaging, their punch/slam and detail.
But I'm looking for a speaker that would have me listen to all my cd's, and with the Thiels I'm afraid I won't be able to listen to 80% of my collection anymore.

Any suggestions for a speaker that would be more up my alley? I want an allround wonder that is fast, direct, detailed, with lots of bass punch, slam, but a little on the warm side, not too revealing and definitely not too bright/harsh.

P.s. I know lots of you don't find Thiels to be harsh, esp. when linked to first rate gear. But let's not get into that discussion. They're just too bright for me, and even if they're just nutral, the fact remains that many cd's could be tossed out the window, since I wouldn't be able to listen to them anymore...

although not my favorite, as i prefer panel speakers, i visited a friend who owns vandersteen 3s.

i expect this speaker would satisfy your criterion for tonal balance. it is worth an audition and it won't break the bank.
These are all great suggestions, but as I said before, most of them are not available in Belgium. Vienna Accoustics might be something to try, although I suspect the Mahler will be too big for my room. The Strauss might be better, but is no longer available and it is said that the Beethoven Concert Grand is no good for people who like bite and punch... But I'll give it a try anyway.

What do you people think of Sonus Faber Cremona in this respect?
I've got the Beethoven Baby Grands and they have realistic midrange and treble energy; however, if you like more than that, then I agree that Sonus Faber is the place to look. For me they have too much "edge" but one person's edge is another's bite and punch. Listen to both if you can. They're both very fine brands.

They both need a good SS amp with a high damping factor.

You could always buy a copy of the well respected UK magazine 'hi-fi choice', see what they have reviewed and recommend then check out the BADA dealers in the UK at the back of the magazine, then jump on cheap flight to London and demo them. You would also get them for 17.5% less than a UK purchaser so maybe cheaper, although you would have to have them shipped back to Belgium. Chips and Mayo lovely!. The land of many bicycles!