Which cd player & speakers?

I'm trying to assemble the best cd only playback system I can on a budget. I already bought Threshold T200 amp and T3 pre here on Audiogon. With about 3 to 4k to spend on speakers and cd player, what would be some of the better matches? I really would appreciate any suggestions as this is my first "audiophile" system.
hi i am a soliloquy speaker dealer -- and you owe it to yourself to check them out -- www.solspeak.com check out a dealer near you or get in touch with me also look at the new nad-c-540 www.nadelectronics.com please feel free to contact me at any time
Threshold electronics mate well with a number of B&W speakers, such as the older Matrix series (esp. 803/804) if you want to stay in the used arena. Try a CD player from Rotel or Rega depending on what you are looking for in sound quality.