Which computer DVDrom is the best for ripping?

My drive is about to die so it's time to get another DVDrom. So which one is the best for ripping? or it doesn't matter at all?

I've had very good success with Sony. they do have a sound of their own though, quite dynamic, full, and extended. recently I replaced as are you now, one of my sony's with an LG. The LG sounds quite good. Differing from the Sony with a somewhat more refined broadcast, yet as good sounding, but slightly different. Not as pulse pounding but a bit better sound stage recreation.

The key in ripping & burning is not as much the ROM drive, but the software you use. Slower speeds and error checking are the more important features.

I have always wanted to try a Plextor too, just never got around to it.

BTW... doing a firmware update to the LG DVD combo drive, something went haywire and it screwed up my other drive as well, a Sony - NEC unit called Optiarc... which also isn't terrible, and does burn very well... again, depending upon the software being used.... LG replaced their unit near immediately with their latest version of what I had... I've since refused to do further firmware updates at all.

The "if it ain't broke... don't fix it", philosophy seems best.

but it is the software more so than the drive IMO.
A CD rip is a (hopefully) bit-perfect transfer of the disc data, i.e. its ones and zeroes. There is no clock involved at this stage, so jitter is not a factor. This in turn means that unless data is read incorrectly (which would give gaps, digital clipping or other distinctly digital artifacts) the output from one drive is sonically indistinguishable from the other – the data is byte for byte absolutely 100% identical. Hence I am inclined to believe that the brand differences Blindjim refers to are placebo.

Blindjim is however entirely correct in that good ripping software is key, and like many others I rely on Exact Audio Copy. But beyond this, drives *do* matter – their ability to retrieve bit-perfect data off of the disc can vary greatly. Plextor have a tremendous reputation (and accompanying price tag) for a reason, but with my limited experience I have also found Samsung drives to generally be better at this than NEC/Optiarc.

I have many discs that can only be ripped correctly (and verified as such by EAC) from one of my three drives and it's always, without exception, the Samsung that wins. It's an older DVD-Rom though, and I can't speak for more recent DVD-RW models.
I actually have 2 burners right now, both from Samsung. They are 16xx series. When I use EAC, actually it prefers one over the other and the reason is that one of them has buffer. To my surprise, it prefers the one without buffer, which is an older model. I don't know if it's only applicable to the burning process or the ripping process. That's why I'm asking ...

I haven't checked if the files are bit identical, although I assume so.