Which direction would you go?

I have spent the last ten years living with a system that is to my ears unlistenable. I was sucked in by the stereophile recommended components list, and bought based on cost and ratings, rather than common sense and proper auditions. I ended up with the following: B&W 802 Matrix II's, a Threshold S350e amp, a Krell KBL preamp, and a front end comprised of a Theta pro Gen II and Data Mk II. As you might well imagine, I have endured bright, harsh sound in three different homes over the years. I tried room tunes (any buyers?) all manner of cables (I presently own Cardas Cross bi-wire) a CJ premier 10 pre-amp (not enough of a difference to justify the switch) and Cal audio front end. In frustration, I have sold the Krell, and the Threshold, and have active listings for the B&W and Cardas, and plans to sell the Theta as soon as possible. I listen mostly to small scale instrumental and female vocals from various genres. I enjoy Linda Ronstadt, Sara K, Rickie Lee Jones, Allison Krauss, Annie Lennox, Dixie Chicks, Etta James, Karen Carpenter, Joe Sample, Miles, Ronnie Earl, Govi, Willie and Lobo, Lyle Lovett, James Taylor, and so much more. I have front row center seats for the NY Philharmonic for the last fifteen years and have seen more concerts than I could name. I was set on the idea of downsizing to a home theater setup, Integra receiver and DVD/CD with Definitive Technology pro 100 speaker system or maybe the NHT Super Series SB3. They seem to have OK sound on both music and movies, but I wonder if the trade-off is too great since 98% of the time I will be listening to music with only an occasional music video or movie. I am quite certain I have never heard my B&W's perform the way they should, but am not certain I wish to invest more money chasing the Holy Grail. (Also tried Bryston 4B). I have reviewed threads here and contemplated trying the Classe gear. I have also thought about selling the B&W's and buying a speaker with a silk dome tweeter or a propensity toward warmth. (Mission, Soliloquy, JM Labs, Vandersteen) My room is a LIVING room and dining room L shape, (20 x13 living attached to 14 x12 dining) and it is lively with 11' acoustical ceiling. In any event, I would like to avail myself of the multi-channel options while focusing on two channel performance. I keep my speakers on the long wall and listen near-field. I do not believe electrostats are an option for me due to size, placement, and WAF issues. Please let me know your thoughts, and be gentle as this is my first post here on Agon.
Wow, I have to say this is the first time in my life I've ever heard someone call Threshold bright. I started with the S300 and FET2, upgraded to a FET 1 running through B&W 802s for years. Then had Threshold do the E update to both amp and preamp (with E power supply), and finally I ended up with a FET10E & 10PC. I've loved them all and each upgrade just got better and better. However I did audition the Matrix version of the 802, and even as a tried and true 802 lover, I didn't like the Matrix. I held off and I'm really glad I did as the N802s are killer. This will be the heart of my system for years to come, no reason to change any of these components. As far as brightness? None in my listening room and that is the one thing that will send me running. I think maybe you should look at what you are putting through that Threshold amp as that is what it is going to amplify quite faithfully, and even though I prefer the N to the M 802, I don't think that's your problem either. I would also NOT advise putting the 802s against the wall, use the rule of thirds. Tom
Tom, the Threshold preamps are VERY revealing up top and are construed by many to sound "bright". As to their amps, many of the earlier designs are extremely "load sensitive". By this i mean that they can change tonal characteristics when presented with various impedances and amounts of reactance. As such, the amps can sound different ways to different people using different speakers & cables. This has been well documented even though i myself initially overlooked it. Sean
Hey Mike,

I didn't read all the posts, so forgive me if I am repeating something.

As of last year, I had unforgiving glare in my system too. At first I thought my stereo's room size is too small, and there was this god awful mirrored sliding closet door. I've moved to two different places since, and each one is bigger and better acoustically.

Ok, this might be something obvious to you, but here is how I cured my system's glare problem. I paid attention to the AC that my components were feeding on. Did you ever try isolating your ac by using an dedicated outlet? How about trying ac filters like Grey or PS Audio? Powercords?

At first, I got LAT International powercords. This greatly diminished the ear piercing glare. But not completely.

Recently, I gave Virtual Dynamics a call. I got a few of their powercables. They made my new day time listening sounding like my old night time listening, and my new night time listening to almost no-glare musical enjoyment. I am explaining the day-night difference assuming you've noticed your system sounding more musical at night than during the day.

Anyhow, I feel your system with the Threshold and B&W is a good match, however, they will reveal lots of glare if your ac is distorted. Oh, I have a Nakamichi preamp Ca7a that works fantastic with a Mapleshade powercord. The old Nak separates uses Nelson Pass designs. So maybe you should try a Mapleshade on your Threshold.

I have been udgrading for the last couple of years and I know what you mean about that harshness on the high end. You might consider the JM Lab speakers such as the Utopia Micro or Mini. I just bought the Mini's on audiogon and will be adding a REL subwoofer. These speakers have a very nice high end and are very open on vocals. I listened to many speakers including B&W's before I bought them. The metal dome tweeters on the B&W's are hard to tame. For low end the Mini's need a sub but are very enjoyable even without. Also, placement doesn't seem to be an issue. They sounded very good in a variety of positions.

I recently upgraded my CD player to a Cary 303 and am very impressed on the improvement in sound. It is very open, detailed has excellent extension and solves many of my complaints about high end harshness. I am now looking for other electronics. I have heard the Plinius and Sim Audio integrated and the Sim sounded better. It was more open, sweeter and musical. I have heard good things about the newer McIntosh integrateds but also have an interest the Conrad Johnson and YBA products.
Hi Mike. It seems to me that you've assembled a system that is definitely not your tastes, specifically revealing SS amps mated to revealing speakers. Maybe the first thing you should consider is a tube preamp to go with the Threshold, and if that's not enough of a shift for you then consider changing your speakers.

Just like many others, I use the Stereophile Recommended Components issues to learn about all the different gear out there. But more importantly I've learned that it's just a guide, and rely much more heavily on the reviews and diverse experiences of fellow audiophiles. And, buying used definitely reduces any cash losses.