which dvd for under 1k

Thanks for all the info on my last question concerning amps. I purchased a Mac 2250, to power my Usher be 718s, and new interconnects, all is well, really, really good. I mostly listen 2 ch, including my dvd concerts, and have many of those. Currently I have an old Sony 5 disc changer, and I would like to upgrade to the best audio I can get from a single disc model for under 1k. A recent visit to an Atlanta high end suggested the Pioneer BDP-05FD. Recommendations?? Thanks
Yes - just a little funny - here we are discussing DVD players in the analog forum, after all.

(NOT that I am with the forum police!)
I'd avoid the Denon 3910. They have known issues with failing laser assemblies.

Don't know if this extends to the higher Denon models.
04-13-09: Paulfolbrecht
Yes - just a little funny - here we are discussing DVD players in the analog forum, after all.

(NOT that I am with the forum police!)

I wasn't sure where to post, I am glad you don't have a badge. My listen' pleasure is two channel and for the most part when listening to dvd I use the analog outputs.
HT will be a bi-product... I am looking for the best analog sound from a dvd player... Thanks for the suggestions to this point.
Funny how one day a component is one of the best, then all of a sudden out of nowhere it's one of the worst. "Recalling all 3910's !!" Try out the Toshiba.
04-14-09: Lithojoe
Funny how one day a component is one of the best, then all of a sudden out
of nowhere it's one of the worst.

Not so unusual. Often problems don't arise until months or years after a
product has been in service.

The Denon 3910 has been around for years, and the laser assembly problem
has surfaced over the last couple of years based on user comments in several
audio/video forums (specific quotes and URL addresses cited in previous
threads). Its sound is still deserving of the accolades, but the laser assembly can
develop problems, so caveat emptor.

Surely, we all hope to read on this site good experiences as well as bad,
whenever they might arise.