Which Hi-end monitor for near field listening

Looking to buy a pair of monitors for listening within 6-7 feet in small room 11*13*7.5. I hesitate between well known brand: JM Lab Micro Utopia Be, Dynaudio Special 25, Merlin VSM-MX, Totem Mani2 Sig...OR direct manufacturers: Tyler Linbrook monitor, Ellis 1811b which seem to get me same quality for much les money. Any opinions? I'd like the speaker to go down to 50Hz or less, have decent HT capability and DI-SA-PEAR!!!!.
Do they have to be monitors? What about smaller floorstanding speakers or monitor-like speakers with an integrated stand. One of the best sounding smaller speaker I heard was the Gryphon Cantata (integrated stand), but it is quite pricey.

Small, floorstanding speakers that I like include the Gradient Revolution and DeVore Super 8. I also liked the Eggelston Andra (I think that was the model) I heard in a nearfield demonstration. It is somewhat compact, but quite heavy and pricey.

Most monitor-sized speakers don't really do it for me. They are not able to present classical orchestral and choral music with the proper scale and weight.
Actually, i like floorstanders when they behave like monitors with more "balls". Your suggestions are quite interesting, especially the DeVore Super 8. Tough for me to audition though.
I have never heard a speaker disappear like a Sehring, and I have heard almost all the above. The Sehring 700 monitor is absolutely stunning in transparency and imaging and totally disappears. They go to about 45 or 50hz......only drawback is the import arrangement, it is done totally half-assed, unless things have changed.
In general my experience has been the floor standers can certainly bring more authority to the music, more often than not bringing the bass down lower and, of course, moving more air in the room. Where I feel that monitors excel is in creating the width and breadth of soundstage, as well as in their disappearing act and imaging. Don't get me wrong, floorstanders can do all that too, and pretty darn well. But I'd say, at a given pricepoint, the monitor will excel those specific areas, especially the later two (again, as a broad generalization). I'd have to agree with Larryi that monitors do not necessarily lend much authority to a convincing full-on orchestral piece. But they do render the more simple acoustic and vocal pieces in very satisfying ways! It just depends upon what you are after, and what programming you listen to most of the time.
