which HT processor of these three?

50/50 music and movies
system is all B&W, 801's, 804's, ASW800 sub, B&w center,
already have balanced custom b&w mono amps for the front channels
will also need 5 more channels of amplification (so if you would like to add your 2 cents worth about multi channel balanced amps, please do)
DVD/CD/DVDA Marantz 12S1
currently available on audiogon
**Krell HTS2 upgraded to 7.1 (asking 4800)
**Integra Research SD7 latest with bass management(ask 2800)
**Aragon Stage One (asking 2800)
need to stay balanced, want 7.1, and prefer some base management
also like the classe 60, but none available at this time
thanks for the help

Disclaimer: I am a Simaudio dealer.


Given your system and budget, make sure that you add the Simaudio theater products to your short list.

Let me know if you have any specific questions.

Best Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio
I`d go with Aragon, given these three to consider. Other than that my choice would be Bryston SP1.7 ($4300 retail).

I have owned Acurus pre/pro and amps, and I have recently upgraded to the Aragon Soundstage pre/pro and Aragon amplifiers(via Audiogon). In the process of purchasing these upgraded Aragon electronics, I have read a lot, listened a lot, and talked with several very reputable dealers.

You have a difficult decision to make. Because you listed 50/50 music & movies, I am assuming that you are looking for a high quality 2-channel analog pass-through and quality surround processor in one unit. This is one feature that separates the average pre/pro from the really good one. All three of the units have excellent 2-channel pass-throughs. If cost is an issue, I would rule out the Krell because I think you can get almost as good (this is debatable) for half the price. ONE KEY POINT, the Aragon Stage One is NOT balanced. The Aragon Soundstage is balanced. I have heard very good things about the Integra for 2-channel, but I have never listened to it.
I might have an Aragon Soundstage (balanced) for sale. Call me if you would like to discuss. (937) 609-5285.....
Jim T.