Which is the most tubelike solid state amp around

Being a tube person who is trying to put together an active loudspeaker setup , I have come across the problem of choosing the best driver for the midrange and upper bass i.e.80Hz to 2.5 KHz. I would like to try a panel such as a Magnapan but am told that they are rather power hungry. Therefore, I would be grateful if fellow Audiogoners could share your experience in relation to the best powerful SS amps that would not be out of place in a "tube-ophile's" system.
The Odyssey Stratos sounds nothing like tubes, IMO.

I owned Stratos Extreme monoblocks.
Tvad, I agree, there is no such thing as a solid state amp that sounds like tubes but there are a handful of solid state amps that are less offensive. Can you tell me if you have come across an ss amp that sounds like a tube amp, if so I would love to hear about it.
Personally I will never own a tube amp, tube preamps are the exception. The idea that they are wearing out as soon as they are powered up I find unacptable. If I had ten of the best tube amps ever made I would be more than happy to sell each and everyone of them to the first taker. Solid state has improved to such a degree that there is no need to look at alternatives. I just want to find the best tube preamp & ss amp that work well together
Agree on the Stratos statement had one. The CJ SS amps tend toward tube warmth.
I think there is a consistent problem of defining tube amp sound characteristics.

Some people consider a tube amp to sound "warm", with rolled off highs, bloomy midrange and a fat, bloated bottom end. Personally, I have never heard a tube amp that sounded like this. All tube amps I have heard either in personal systems, in my system, or at audio shows have had exceptional, grain free clarity. Some have had well controlled bass, and others have not. Most have had a midrange that projects forward and creates a more three dimensional illusion than does a solid state amp.

Using the second definition of the tube amp sound, I cannot say I have heard a single solid state amp that has all the same characteristics. However, of all the solid state amps I have heard, Pass Labs comes closest to possessing the top-end and midrange clarity and grain free characteristics of a good tube amp. Plus, the Pass Labs amps have the added benefit of better controlled bass than most tube amps.