Which REL sub, R528 or B2

I'm planning to buy a REL subwoofer. It will be used in audio system mainly, but also in HT from time to time. I listen to jazz, vocals, occasionally rock. It will support Dynaudio C1. I'm considering the new R528 or B2 ( can get them at roughly the same price).
The new 528 looks better but is it as good as B2?
Congrats on your REL. What's the difference between the SE 528 and the regular version?
My understanding is the SE model uses the carbon-fiber drivers and power amplifier from their flagship line... but puts them in the smaller footprint package of the "R" series. They also added additional cabinet bracing.
I read this thread in its entirety today at lunch as I'm proudly picking up a lightly used mint REL B2 tomorrow morning. I wish I hadn't been drinking water when I read this from Wolf Garcia because I almost drowned. Keep it coming Wolf.

"Bol1972...I don't give a rat's ballsack about what you sold, and condescension and dismissal of other's opinions make you sound like my Uncle Dick. After over 40 years as a professional musician, professional live sound technician, audio fan, and male model (well...not the last one), I've found that you can tell a lot about how things sound by listening to them. Period."
In the last few years many of my clients did a comparison with there Rel sub's and Monitor Audio subwoofer. They all went from Rel to Monitor Audio. A few also lend the new Rel subwoofers. Ofcourse you can and you are allowed to be happy with it. I only give this information to let people see there are more on the market these days. And they even can be better. The difference is speed and timing. I am not interested in selling a good subwoofer. I am only interested that my clients get the best for there money. That is the difference. It is that simple!
Here we go again.

I'll say this about you Bo, you are dedicated to your work as an audio salesman, constantly pushing the brands you handle. You already touted Monitor Audio over REL back in April when this thread started. I guess now that this thread is resurrected, you couldn't resist the opportunity again.

But your posts are getting more entertaining. Per Bo..."I only give this information to let people see there are more on the market these days." How magnanimous of you! Now that I know this, we would all be smart to listen to every recommendation you selflessly give us.

Problem is that the last time I listened to someone who said "Bo Knows", I bought a pair of Nikes.