Which speakers will fill 5,000 cubic ft coherently

In porevious threads I've bemoaned the fact that my Kharma 3.2 FEs don't fill the room, 17 X 23 X 15 ft ceilings with a vertical enough soundstage, as though the speakers are literally too small. I have been advised to raise them,which I have done, , I have told to get taller, line arrays, even given names of custom speaker makers. Any specic recommendations from those that have had, and have conquered, this issue.
Tyler says no problem with the Woodmeres and Bill at Atma-Sphere says no problem (4 ohms, dips to low 3's, 91 db sensitivity)- so it seems between the Zu Definitions and Woodmeres so far.........

03-17-08: Springbok10
Tyler says no problem with the Woodmeres and Bill at Atma-Sphere says no problem (4 ohms, dips to low 3's, 91 db sensitivity)- so it seems between the Zu Definitions and Woodmeres so far.........
I find that surprising, and almost incredible. The advice from Bill is completely at odds with advice Ralph has given me over the past few months.

It does not surprise me that Tyler would say no problem.

I guess you'll find out when you hear the combo.

You might consider trying Speltz Zero boxes with the Tylers to double (or triple) their impedance.
>> 3-17-08 Tvad: I find that surprising, and almost incredible. The advice from Bill is completely at odds with advice Ralph has given me over the past few months.<<

I'll find Ralph and clarify this before taking a b-i-g 500 lb step like this.
Ralph's advice about no less than 6 ohms and preferably not less than 8 ohms is right.

I've tried the Speltz autoformer. Although I really like the speltz cables, I do not recommend the autoformer. I've tried it. I believe it exists as a band-aid for those who have an amp/speaker mismatch and it may be helpful in that context. It does, however, introduce problems of its own. IMHO, a seller who recommends buying a 4ohm speaker and the autoformer to go with the Atma is doing a disservice.

Again, with a room that large, why are you limited to a 10" speaker width? Maybe I am misunderstanding the situation, but any of these speakers need breathing room around them and you have a big room.
Using outboard transformers with OTL amplifiers rather defeats the purpose. Appropriate speaker matching will make more sense and bring better results. Also must agree with Shadorne about cramming high performance speakers into too small a space. This will waste your money.
Most manufacturers are becoming very desperate for sales. Be sure to verify what they claim about their products.
I had Definitions and they are almost 12.5 inches across the front. I now have Presence which have a 14 inch baffle width.

My question for you is: If your room is so large, why must you squueze your speakers into a narrow space?

For what it's worth, the last I heard, Ralph himself was using Zu Druids.