Which way should I go?

I have a system of top-notch components that sound absolutely terrible together. The midrange shouts at you and the high frequencies can become harsh on all but the smallest scale music. My speakers are B&W Matrix 802 series II. The Amp is a Threshold s/350e 150 wpc with a Krell KBL preamp. Source components include the Theta Digital Data II universal transport and their pro Gen II D/A converter. I have tried a conrad johnson hybrid pre-amp, which didn't make the night and day difference I am looking for given the cost needed to make the change. Should I be looking to change speakers, or should I be looking at electronics? I have heard that Levinson matches well with my speakers, but of course the cost is prohibitive. I would like to try and get away with changing only one thing if that is at all possible.
Sorry I have to agree with Mikhail's opinion, except I don't think MOST Krells suck, ALL KRELLS SUCK! The Threshold is not that musical either. Thresholds were not bad around 15 years ago, but they have not kept up with the times. Keep your speakers and start all over again. You ought to try auditoning a couple of more musical electronics from companies like Rotel, Nad, Musical Fidelity or Arcam. They all have great musical systems starting at around $400 for and integrated amp and $400 for a CD player. At this level you would already have a system that you will enjoy listening to. With $1500 you can have a system that will start you on your way to real high end pleasure. rgds, david k.
Thank you both for your input, it appears as though my worst fears are true and that I will need to make substantial changes to my system to make it listenable. I have read on other sites that Rowland electronics with B&W are superb, but there is that cost issue again. I also heard good things about B&W with McCormack, Audio Research solid-state, and even Adcom. I would like to hear from anyone with experience with any of these combinations. Also, the Theta transport was touted as the best transport in stereophile for many years, even if a change in D/A is warranted. I listen to primarily small scale acoustic music, vocals, some classical and jazz, and the occasional loud rock in a room about 3,000 sq. ft. I've tried room-tunes, all manner of cables, and found that none of it made any difference. Thanks, and keep the constructive criticism coming.
Unless it is a misprint your room is huge and you need a tremendous output from loudspeakers to get undistorted sound.In this case prepare to spend inches of $100 bills. Rowlands are at least good for almost any set up and worth every cent of the cost,Audio Research is mostly tube company and their solid state amplifiers can't even approach Rowlands;I would not consider McCormack,Adcom,Rotel etc.Besides Rowland I would suggest Electrocompaniet,maybe Plinius;if you want to try tube electronics first give a chance to Aronov Audio.Personally,I don't like dealing with separate front end components,it consumes energy and money big time.Try C.E.C 5100Z belt-drive player(on huge sale in audioadvisor.com).If it is not good enough then check Copland 266,Metronome or something else up from $2000.00.Sorry to upset you but that's what money is for,right? Mikhail.P.S.Do not hide behind 'Stereophile',there are better ears and brains.
Mikhail: Yes, obviously my room is 300 and not 3000 sq. ft., sorry. When you say you don't like separate front end components, what do you mean? Do you prefer integrated amps or would you feed a CDP output directly to the amp? Thanks for the recommendations on the components, I will certainly listen to the Electrocompaniet amp/pre-amp, and the Plinius as well. They both appear to be available on the used market at reasonable prices whereas the Rowland seems to be more difficult to find, and their cost even used is more than I really wanted to spend.
I meant digital front end.At best separates are superior but it involves matching of three components to themselves(transport,dac and digital cable) and to a preamplifier,and you do not want to spend a fortune.I never tried running signal directly to power amplifier though read a lot about it;it probably can be judged only on case by case basis.When you go auditioning Electrocompaniet use the same company's cd player.It is very costly(about $4000.00) but it will serve as a reference for the rest of the system that you are going to assemble and will show you how good an integrated player can be.I would buy this player or Copland 389($4200.00) if I could.You are right about Rowlands,people do not sell them because they are so good and the company's support is among the best.However,I saw a few times Jeff Rowland's Concentra integrated used for $3800.00 or so and demo.unit for $4500.00.If you still go for Rowlands make note that Jeff uses Cardas wiring and try Cardas cables before other brands.I hope that you will find what you are looking for.Mikhail.