Which Webern box set do 20th century fans like?

I have the Craft and Boulez. My fav for the string trios and quartets is Arditti. Which do audiogoners go for?
Hey Chashmal, great to hear from another Webern fan. We're exactly members of a large group. I've got quite a few Webern discs, but multi disc sets devoted to Webern are few in number. Your Boulez "Complete 1-31" on Sony is my first choice. The DG "Complete Webern" looks like a more scattershot hodge-podge of samplings from their catalog, albeit fine performances.
I have to say, the Craft complete works LP box set (Columbia from the 1950's) is one of the best sounding vinyl recordings I own. The performances are great but are very specific. Some might hate it, I love it. There is a very intimate close mike sound, as opposed to the grand Boulez orchestral hall sound. With the right equiptment, the Craft sounds like you are eavesdropping in the 20th century genuis's living room.
Thanks for the heads up on the Craft performances, I'll look out for those. BTW, I've got to quit responding to these threads right after I get out of bed. I meant to say Webern fans are NOT members of a large group.