Who makes the least expensive Tube Pre-Amp?

I would like to add a tube Pre-Amp to my system just see if I hear a difference. I know that at a cheap price it will not be a great sounding pre-amp but I'm just curious to see if I can achieve some of that tube smoothness in my system.

Again,,,,,,,,,I need suggestions on an entry level tube
pre amp.
I think most used Conrad Johnson tubed units are a "bargain"
At least for my ears and wallet. I bought a used PV11 in 1998 and it made a definite improvement to my system. No current "upgrade fever" as I still really enjoy the music through my system. It has an excellent phono stage to boot if you like playing with vinyl.

In any event, have fun!
ASL, Audcom, the new tubes pre's from China are, sadly, very good, and very affordable.
Build your own - that's EXACTLY what I did. Bottlehead makes one called the Foreplay. Its super good, costs something like $250, and takes about 8 hours to build. I hadn't soldered ever, and I was able to put it together without a single problem. GREAT instructions.

If you like it, you can upgrade it. Or you sell it here for what you paid and buy a nicer make/model.
my vote for an entry-level preamp goes to

If you can do without a remote, it can be had
for under 500$ ( I think the list is 1100$? ) and sounds
better than the remote version.

It doesn't have the warmish romantic *tube sound*,
but, its neutral midband ( I prefer it that way ) has a
plenty of resolution, clarity and immediacy which lacks in many entry-level

A good bass control and excellent pacing are added bonus
for most tube preamps in this price range as well.

Only caviat is that it has a good amout of gain so that
make sure it'll work with your amp before commit.
I have owned 2 budget tube pre's. Both inexpensive both awesome sound and value.

First I owned an Audio Electronic Supply AE-3 not only was it inexpensive....for very little $$ you can perform many DIY upgrades and Mods that improve performance exponentially. Even better it only runs on 2 6sn7's so tube rolling is very cheap and easy!
Now I have a Rogue 66 Magnum. A GREAT budget tube pre. She is more transparent with Blacker backgrounds than the AE-3...but I have to admit, I really miss the AE-3. The phono stage on the Magnum is not my taste...I liked the Creek 0BH-8se much better that was replaced. I was disappointed ...I was expecting an improvement in my phono stage.

So yes ..my vote goes wholeheartedly to the AE-3!