Why am I experiencing listener's fatigue?

My system is as follows. All thoughts and opinions are welcomed and appreciated.

B&w nautilus 805 speakers with jumpers ,
tweeter/driver grilles removed/tweeters at ear height
Cardas cross single wire speaker cables
Cardas golden reference interconnect
cardas golden power cord
Monster hts 2000 power bar/conditioner
Manley stingray (2 mullard 12at7's and 8 Ei el84's)
sony xa 777es cd/sacd player
7 inch diameter by 18 inches high concrete speaker
blu tac between the speakers and stands
Particle board equipment stand
14 inch (1/4 filled)innertube under the sony
No DIY or professional room treatments at the moment
Stock sony power cord
Try toeing out the speakers a few degrees to where they are not firing directly at you. And maybe try a different CD player with a warmer sound.
What is your definition of listeners fatigue? My experience with listeners fatigue had to do with a very bright and edgy sound. I wanted to listen longer, but could not because the sound produced by my system gave me a headache. Replacing my speakers solved that problem, but then I found I was simply bored. I gave that system to my ex-girlfriend, and it is still up and going. I get the opportunity to listen to it when I baby-sit, and now I can discern that sound as being rather lush- Not unpleasant, but not very involving either. I would describe it as the perfect after hours babysitting tool! Little Nicholas hasnt got a chance! A nice meal of diced chicken and mushy squash, and then we are all set up for the rocking chair and a steady program of megadeath darkness and grief-all his parents favorite music. In a matter of minutes this sound -the only sound it produces, has nick slumped over and snoring. That could be a form of listeners fatigue too, I suppose, or just plain case of audiophile imposed child neglect. I am not sure. Diced chicken and dull music-sigh...hopefully he will forgive me. In your case, it might be helpful to describe what it is that listeners fatigue is to you. I have B&W cdnts now, and I have always thought Manley Stingray might be a decent pairing, if not a bit underpowered.
If the fatigue is caused by brightness, or edginess, the room may possibly be the culprit. Do you have many hard reflective surfaces in your room? Your individual components wouldn't normally produce a bright sound, but in a lively room it can certainly happen. Check out rivesaudio.com. It will help you make that determination.