Why are so many people trying to sell Harbeths?

These speakers have their devotees to be sure, but it looks like a lot of people are falling OUT of love with them. It's a trend I've noticed here on Audiogon. Opinions?
I agree that Harbeths have a following just like B&W and McIntosh which come to mind..You either love em or hate em.I would guess those that are running Harbeths have been doing so for some time and have no intentions of selling.For me having owned the 40s for a short time years ago Harbeths aren't on my list of "buys"...but weve had this debate many many times.I see no trend in dumping
Well- just for balance I agree with Missioncoonery I don't plan on buying Harbeths, I don't care for them. That said I am not listing any.
Don't know if it's necessarily a love-them-or-hate-them proposition with Harbeths. I auditioned a pair a few months ago and while I didn't fall in love with them I could certainly hear the things they did well and why so many people do love them. They just weren't for me.
I went to Maggie MMG's, much smaller than my 3.6R's. I had SLH5 Harbeths when I first moved from a large family room to a much smaller media room. They were still too big for that space, but the MMG Maggies system, was perfect.