Why are subwoofers so polarizing?

I will admit I have never been a proponent of subwoofers in a 2 channel system. Maybe i've not heard the proper set up or the level of sub was not equal to the speaker. The last great application was over 20 years ago when I heard a Pro-Ac Tablette with a forgotten subwoofer. I'm sure in the last 20+ years the technology has improved but why are subs still mainly limited to home theater systems? As always I appreciate your time and thoughts.
I use a total of 3 Subs, two front and 1 rear. All three for theater with an LFE input to the crossover for the front and a separate output from the processor for the rear. The 2 fronts are double duty and used for two channel also. The fronts are Mono Theater and stereo for 2 channel. I crossover the fronts for two channel at about 30hz so the music has to be load for them to turn on. If i play jazz they really never turn on. I sometimes play classical but usually not at load volume so on sometimes but mostly off. Now when it comes to rock like Pink Floyd, Ozzy or Deep Purple they come to life in spades as I play load. It does take lots of work to get them setup correctly but is worth the time. I feel subs load the room and fill in where the main speaker cannot ever with the 11" woofers in my main speakers. I used a graphic sound analyzer with and without the subs and the graph looked better with the subs on much less dips.
Many of my clients did not use there sub with stereo music. Now with Audyssey Pro they cannot imagine not to use it anymore even for stereo use. Now they use it till 120hz. In the past a lot lower.
Bo1972 is utterly full of crap in his ridiculously overstated comments regarding the myth of sub "speed" and should be ignored. Otherwise he's fine.
In a few weeks we will have a new website. These days I use Sony Professional video and photo at all my clients. And in many cases it is with Audyssey Pro. They are made in dutch. I will see if we can subtitle them in english. I also collect of all the clients there findings with Audussey Pro. And what they used before. In will show you that there is no myth and it is exactly as I wrote.