why balanced power last before component?

I've been thinking of using balanced power to remove gross noise prior to a Sound Application RLS or Hydra for example.
Any reason why not?
Thanks Sabai. Just the kind of information I've been hunting.
I wonder how your medical grade isolation transformer compare to the Equitech 2Q. Any idea?

You're welcome. I have used a daisy-chained front end for years -- iso transformer > power conditioner > power regenerator. I have tried all configurations and this is the optimum configuration in my system. I read a thread on another forum years ago -- I lost it, unfortunately -- where 2 other fellows discovered the exact same configuration for daisy-chaining their front end.

I have no idea how my medical grade iso transformer would compare with Equitech. All I know is that mine is from Block in Germany and is a very high quality unit -- rated at 1380VA which gives me plenty of overhead -- about 50%. It cost me only $300 and it does a wonderful job on SQ. It is an enclosed unit, by the way. I could not find it on the Block site or anywhere else.
Hello Sabai. "Block" is an interesting company. I think of quality when I think German made and they reinforce quality in their literature. Just reviewed one of your posts and agree with you entirely "not everything that can be measured matters and not everything that matters can be measured" but I also think science is moving fast in learning to measure more and more phenomena.

I am all for measuring. The more the better. But there is more to audio than science.
I agree, but I might suggest add "knows now". Although not at all scientifically inclined I believe eventually there is a "scientific" answer; even if it's not known for a few centuries. The explosion of knowledge in the past 25 years seems to lead to an increasing learning curve that I don't see abating. Hopefully giving us enhanced listening at home :-).