Why do old tubes sound better than current tubes?

just wondering, is there something in the design, materials, or fabrication that makes old tubes sound better than those being currently produced?

it seems nearly universally held that old tubes are superior sounding to those made today - is there something specific about the old tubes that make then sound better?

Vacuum tubes require, as should be obvious in their name, vacuum. Over the years, vacuum tube manufacturers and suppliers have turned to lower quality vacuum to cut costs. The high-quality vacuum supply is harder and more expensive to acquire.

As vacuum was mined, the easily reached sources of good quality vacuum (near the surface) were quickly exhausted leaving only more expensive and dangerous mining operations as the only source. As a result of several large and devastating mine implosions the larger vacuum mines that produced good quality vacuum were closed leaving only small boutique vacuum mines to supply the vacuum. Often, this vacuum contains impurities that must be removed (by what else than a vacuum cleaner!).

In the mid-80s, the Russian Kamakiskorvitchski brothers (Kamis for short) had a corner on the vacuum market. They had several tanker cars on a railroad siding in Siberia that contained most of the high-quality liquified vacuum available at the time. They carefully supplied only the Soviet and Eastern Block tube manufacturers with the high quality vacuum. Some smaller tube manufacturers were forced to use counterfeit vacuum containing large amounts of impurities. Again this vacuum needed cleaning.

Unfortunately, the supply of good quality vacuum has dried up in recent years. Only the older tubes still used high quality vacuum in their manufacture, but some tubes of the same era used counterfeit vacuum.

So one must be careful. Check your tubes and don't forget to use your vacuum cleaner.
It amazes me that some find the fact that people are making a profit selling pulls to be the source of misinformation about the quality, both physical and sonic, regarding vintage tubes. On last check, the vendors of new tubes make a profit as well. Since when did making a profit on things with a degree of rarity become an issue in a capatilist society? If you don't like the sound, or can't afford it, then don't buy it. But that doesn't mean that I won't.
Viridian, we found something we can agree on; I think. New tubes do not even compare to NOS tubes. NOS tubes can take gear to another level. Let me be specific; I am referring to preamp tubes, those are the one's I have had experience with.