Why I sell

We all sell and buy for a variety of reasons. I thought I would post a
Letterman top ten reasons to sell. Not in any order.

I need the money for another project.

I'm going thru a divorce

We're having a new baby, I need more space.

Second system did not happen

The IRS is after me

My wife doesn't like it, says it has to go ( are you a wimp? )

I need the money cause I crashed my car

My mother died and I need to pay for a funeral

I need the money to send my kid to college

I am going to down size my system

Sell because you want to and buy because you want it.
That is why there are so many products, we all have different tastes.
I've personally only sold gear when:

a. I needed money
b. didn't like the sound of it
c. liked the sound, but broke down too often

Luckily I was never asked why I wanted to sell, neiter do I ask this question, should I buy. I would neither expect to give or get a straight answer. I suppose that is human nature, at least if you're a bit streetwise.
I may be from another planet but I sell the old; after I have bought something better.--Altho one time I had to sell a piece because my seeing eye dog nedded lasic/ on both eyes.
My seeing eye dog needed laser eye surgery... This is the best.
Letterman will have to create the over the top 10...