why no recent Merlin speaker reviews?

why haven't Merlin speakers been reviewed for years?
Maril555 I would agree that the VSM will certainly not "burn down the house" with bass output but it might surprise you the depths it can reach with proper system matching, particularly using a proper source, cabling and amplifier. I have had more than one ask where the sub was. No, its not going to satisfy bass aficionadios but that little woofer can certainly move some air, more than you might think. It is most satisfying for my taste on the wide variety of the music I listen to including rock taking into account the rest of what it does so well. I have been listening to the VSM-M, updated from SE, for 12 of the 13 years I've owned the speaker, deliberating shipping it off again for all the upgrades available for this model and other options as well. The Merlin's aren't perfect in all areas to me but always open to improvement and tough to beat on some types of music I cherish. They are really a great choice for the vast majority of real world rooms and of course you get that greatest of resources, a committed manufacturer that will always level with you even when you don't always agree. Thanks for that Bobby, it is appreciated more than you might know.
I just added to my system page, a brief description of the surprising change (seems to be an improvement) in SQ I experienced today when I removed the Master RC network from my TSM's.
call spectral to see if your amp is terminated with a zobel.
if it is, then what you are experiencing makes sense.
I have never owned Merlins but have followed Bobby and his speakers since the beginning and I make sure I listen to the VSM when I go to audio shows. They are always among the best sounding, and I know how difficult it is to get consistently good sound in hotel rooms. This should be no surprise since Bobby started with a good combination: a two-way with great drivers (the Esotar D330 is probably the best tweeter ever), and keeps improving the system with the goal of natural sound in a small to medium room. Unless you're looking for the best of the month, very difficult to beat that.