Why no remote?

I'm looking to add a tube preamp to my system. I've narrowed it down to a couple....AI Modulus IIIa (which I am leaning towards) and a CJ. The CJ comes with a remote; the AI doesn't. It's frustrating that AI doesn't offer remote control because, for sound, I really prefer it; however, at the same time, I really want a remote (yes, I'm lazy once I sit down to listen). Can someone explain why a company would not offer remote control?

Second, is there a way around this? Creek OBH-10? Others? Would this affect the sound in any way?

I'd also appreciate any other suggestions for tube preamps that are similar to the AI.

Having turned volume up or down during listening of one piece of music on quiet or loud parts is just another way to compress the signal imho.
I have a non remote BC3 preamp but am considering a CD player with volume control and using one output for remote and the fixed for (I would assume) non compromised listening. Any potential problems with this config?
instead of using the Creek unit purchase a Placette RVC its very transparent and has 120 volume steps.
Estein, even if you acquire remote-volume CD-player you pretty fast realize that using fixed output with your existing non-remote preamp will make much more sence sonically!
Agree with Zaikes... a remote for me is NOT just about convenience, but also about sound quality. You can't adjust volume accurately when you're not in the listening position! Also, different songs require differing volumes sometimes... some are recorded so loud, while others seem relatively soft, even on the same disc.