Wife Acceptance Factor

I hear alot about Wife Acceptance Factor when it comes to equipment. I'm getting married in 6 months. Fortunately, my fiance is pretty accepting of the hobby. Just curious about all those guys out there who have a family and are still allowed to invest their spending money almost entirely on audio equipment. After you get married, do most women step in and try to squash spending on this hobby? Opinions welcome!!!
Rg, maybe the difference is that, my wife plays piano
and own a Marantz system,in her apartment.So She likes
music also.
What about DAF?
I have been a single parent raising my 16 year old daughter for 12 years.
"Hey dad,if you can afford that amp,why can't you afford to buy me a car?"
"Well honey,I feel you are too young to have your own car"
"Well dad,I feel you are too old to be playing with stereo's"
Consider yourself lucky if you 'only' have WAF and not teen DAF :~)
My wife and I solved the problem by agreeing to set aside a room for my musical pursuits. That said, I still don't want to antagonize her. If I'm interested in buying something expensive I ask her opinion of it. After all, we share the house as well as the money. More often than not there is no problem because we both try to be reasonable.
I can sympathize with you Dave as I know your daughter and she can be a tough one....My daughters just laugh and think their Dad is goofy...of course so does my current wife...Just keep buying equipment that's the same color as the piece you're replacing and you won't have a problem