Will a new Preamp sovle my Problem?

Dear forum,
Need Help finding a preamp Tube or Solid State
that might clear up my System sounding too "Bright".

I have a set of revel preforma 30's.
Harmonic Technologhy pro 9 external Biwire
Opera Audio Conosance ref. 2.2 cd player
Parasound Halo C-21 Amplifier 250x2 balanced and rca input.

I currently have a Krell pav 280p preamp running balanced and the detail and imagining is great but the top end is too bright.

I am using entry level harmonic technology cables truth
link balanced cables.

P.S audio power cables on all components.

After repositioning my speakers I did get more bass. I can upgrade interconnect cables later. But I need to know if I replace the preamp with a new one, will it help? I have the Krell on aproval and do not think it will work out. I had a couple of fellow audiophiles visit me and they agreed also that my current chioce of preamp might be wrong.

There are hundreds of chioces and I need some feedback from my fellow audiogoners.

Question is: What preamp would help me come closer to
my goal of decreasing the system's Brightness.

I have a trebile switch on back of speakers and have decreased to the max of 2db . Helps alittle but still too bright.

I do not mind tube rolling if need be.

My budget 1,200.00 but could go a little higher